Ever Bought Any?

evilbeth is right on target. It’s the actual human touch that’s missing from several of the suggestions.
I’m fully aware of the health/legal hazards and there are precautions to take to lower those risks. As to the danger of emotional attachment…I know the difference between affection and business. Forget the bar-hopping idea: I’m a recovering alcoholic and that would be very risky. Besides, I don’t have that kind of time, remember? The other advice, both pro and con, is helpful…keep it coming, NPI.

checks for cheap air fare to Nashville


I would say that you might feel better about yourself if you *didn’t * go through with this. What goes on between consenting adults is none of my d@mn business, but I know that, as a man, it feels better to be able to tell any woman that I hope to be close to that I have never been with a prostitute.

As mentioned above, the risks are profound and the satisfaction marginal at best. I would also caution against the idea of allowing yourself to become accustomed to replacing the real touch of a caring woman with that of a paid imitator. Not only might you get used to it, but you might forget how important it is to pursue the real thing in real life.

This is not so much moralizing as it is a cautionary tale of what might await you if you travel that road. All I know is that I am very glad that I have never resorted to paying a woman for her love. I hope that you will consider other avenues (as it were) to seek out intimate company. I have gone for years at a time without the companionship of a woman, and know of the lonliness of which you speak. But it always feels better to know that when I am with a woman it is because we are interested in each other and not because of the paycheck in my wallet and nothing else.

I strongly recommend you begin a vigorous search of the net and place personal ads at several sites. There is someone out there for you, you just have not found her yet. I do not mean to be blithe about this. I wish you success in finding someone significant in your life and not merely a transaction that will leave you feeling temporarily mollified but fundamentally unsatisfied at heart.

Well put, Zenster. Obviously, I’m having serious doubts about the temptation…otherwise I wouldn’t have asked for advice.
I just checked out ads for a couple of high-end escort services and the rates affected me like an ice-cold shower. Streetwalking crack addicts are out of the question, so unless there’s a middle-of-the-road alternative I won’t go through with it.
Keep talking to me anyway. Your responses give me emotional reassurance.
Thanks to all.

** Hippie**, tonight we’re taking you out for drinks, consolation and comfort. Who knows what may happen between tonight and tomorrow morning! wink wink

In actuality, I do think the best thing is to suck it up and deal with it for a little longer. Just think, 10 years down the road…what if you’ve met Ms. Right…and you have some ickyicky STD that prevents you from gettin it on with Ms. Right?

Screw Ms. Right-what if ANYONE respectable (and clean) comes along? A good consentable night of fun? What if this willing participant learns of your history and says “EW! No way!” and there you are…

feeling the SAME way…

Again, only forever.
shudders If you DO do anything, I would recommend a high-end escort. Price being a problem, I say we start collecting money now.

Then again, we are SDers. There are lots of us. A lot of us are raving sex-maniacs (or wannabes). You could put out an Wanted ad. Just watch out for Stoid. whisper I hear he’s gay.

You know. If you were to take all the references to prostitutes and replace them with marijuana in this thread, it would have never made it to the third post before a MOD locked it down. And yet, Here it is. A guy asking for advice with obtaining something harmless but illegal, and here it still sits, unlocked.

I am not sure what to make of this.

Of course, here most people are advising he NOT obtain this illegal service but still…

??? What? The mods would never close a thread about a person considering marijuana use and soliciting opinions about marijuana use from fellow posters. I don’t know if you are joking or a cop or what.

Re: complaint about high prices in the escort biz. It’s true that some of the big agencies are quite pricey indeed but there are plenty of independents who charge something more reasonable. Common sense; prices are lower when the middleman is eliminated. It still might be a bit pricey, but consider how much money some men are willing to spend on a few fancy dates - in order that the woman might consider sleeping with him, possibly.

Um, Stoid is a straight female, I believe.
At least, as far as I know. She could be a 55 year old hermaphrodite janitor…this is the internet, after all.

ANYHOO, didn’t someone a while back go to a prostitute? WAs it Lizard? If it WASN’T…I appologize.

What about a Real Doll?
Just kidding! Although, I did see while perusing their site for laughs, that they now have the Male Real Doll available. However, I can’t see myself paying 7,000 bucks for what is basically a glorified dildo attached to a maniquin that recquires dusting. :wink:

particlewill, we don’t even know that what TN*hippie is considering is illegal. Perhaps, for example, he’s worried about the high prices because he’s planning to travel to an area where prostitution is legal - certain parts of Nevada, say, or Amsterdam.

And even if he was contemplating something illegal everywhere in the US, like drug use, I doubt the mods would close it. They’ve let other drug-related threads run. Consider, for example, Homer’s mushroom thread.

Oh, and Guinastasia, I think SfT was referring to this thread.

To find a nice hooker with ease
Check into an hotel with high fees.
The bell boy will know
A respectable ho
Who will do what you want, when you please!

Well…ahem…I was a US soldier and served in Germany where it IS legal. While I never bought any (innocent look) I had friends who did.

They said it was a hollow experience. It is strictly a business deal. No foreplay, no afterplay, just the act. You may find an escort in the US who will be more “fun”, but it will be very expensive, and you can’t get away from the fact that she’s being paid to make all those noises. If you crave a woman’s touch, wait for it to happen without a straight cash transaction. I’ve gone through extremely long dry spells too. As corny as it may sound, I like knowing (or at least thinking) that making love means something special for both people.

Why don’t you just get your ass on the plane and fly to LAS VEGAS. You can have ten gorgeous prostitutes in your room in under an hour. Of course it costs a shitload of money but doesn’t anything that’s really, er…um…fun?

You can get all the “touch of a woman” you can afford. And the more you pay, the hotter they get. I know one of the original founders of Microsoft who lives half the year in Las Vegas. All he does all day is gamble, eat and hang out with high priced hos.

Don’t drive around trying to find a prostitute because you’ll just end up getting busted in a sting operation. Call an escort service on the phone and try talking dirty or…ask her if she’ll do half hour rates. If she says yes, you’re in the money. If she talks dirty then she’ll probably get kinky too.

I’ve never bought any, but I used to sell it.
Not my own, but I worked as the office manager for an escort agency.
Don’t do it, doll.

Well, I only read the OP…but sheesh, you’d think you could find yourself a female fuck-buddy.

Here’s what a Fuck-Buddy does:

You enjoy a nice meal at a decent restaurant. You can split the bill but usually it on one or the other.

Then you proceed to drink at a club with a live band and get into some very fun dancing…not just normal dancing because you have had several drinks together. The mood is such that you are kissing at the bar and almost doing it on the dance floor. Regardless of the mood at the club you are having a good time.

You go back to one or the other’s house and proceed to have mad passionate sex. Not basic, oh, oh, oh sex but that sex where you need to have a cig between orgasms and a drink (could be water, depends on your elevation ability while drinking.)

Then you wake up in the morning, more mad passionate sex that blows last night’s sex beyond anything you can remember in recent years. Get up, take a shower together then cook breakfast together. Enjoy breakfast and some coffee then off one of you goes.

Remember, this is a “Fuck-Buddy” you are friends but no strings attached. You agree to not have attachments (and it can be done I have one.)

Better than a prostitute because you actually have something in common. You can also learn that he/she has no diseases so you are safer. You know the boundries. You have it all but the headache of having to live under the same roof.

I recommend it – the ole Fuck Buddy!

As often occurs when a thread starts running long, the gist of the OP is forgotten. I am not fascinated with the idea of having sex with a prostitute (nor do I have the time or money to “fly to Vegas” if I were), I don’t crave kinky sex, and I don’t fool myself into believing sex-for-hire is the same as a loving (or even “Fuck Buddy”) relationship. I’m seeking temporary comfort in a difficult situation. My main problem, due to my work, is lack of time. Also, I have no prospects or I’d be talking to them at this very moment instead of y’all. Yes, I’d love that FB arrangement right now…but the FB pool is dry.

With the help of SDMB/MPSIMS insight, I’ve about talked myself out of the whole Sex4Cash idea, anyway. I know it would be unsatisfying on several levels.

I’ll hold out till Ms. Right Now comes along…

Guinestasia is correct. It was, in fact, I that hired a hooker and had the temerity to document it here. I suppose I am now compounding my error by discussing the matter further. Oh well. I guess CrankyAsAnOldMan and I have similar views on morality. :slight_smile: Plus, a fellow Doper is in need.

Speaking as someone who has actually done it, TN*hippie, I would recommend that you take Techchick68’s advice. Why? Because a fuck-buddy would do you for free, first of all, and that means that on some level they at least like you. (Not to mention that it would save you some money) I have a fuck-buddy now myself, but it was not always so. However, I realize that for some reason fuck-buddies may involve more social interaction than you can bear right now. Whatever. In that case, be aware that Long D. speaks at least partial truth. It IS a hollow transaction. It will give you a physical release, but it won’t help you in any other way.

Now, if you are still determined to go through with it, let me give you some advice gained through experience.
1- The threat of catching a veneral disease is somewhat overblown-as long as you stay away from the desperate, crack-whore streetwalkers. In fact, stay away from ANY streetwalker. Hookers aren’t any more eager to catch AIDS than the rest of us, and all but the desperate would demand you use a glove. Plus, the cops generally don’t mess with hookers who conduct business behind closed doors.
2- Look for ads placed by “professionals” in your local alternative weekly or in the personals section of the big daily. You’re unlikely to find them in the latter, but you never know. They should have their own place or come to yours.
3- There should be a phone number with these ads. Call it, but never, ever mention “sex” in any way, shape or form. Their term for what they do is “full service.” If you refer to it as anything else they will hang up on you. Don’t act nervous; talk casually, like you were making a dinner reservation. If they do full service, that means they’ll generally perform any sex act you want, except for kinky or painful stuff (anal sex included). Even that can be had, but at a price. And it’s harder to find women who do that stuff.
4- Agree on the price before you meet them, and then don’t pay any more than that. Most won’t try to mess with you. It’s bad business.

I recommend that you try those “Asian spa” places. These places actually give you a half-decent massage and body wash, then the woman suggests (in a casual way) that you “spend the money”. This gets you a blow job (with a condom), all for $100 in the place I went to. Where you’re at might cost more. If you stick to oral there’s much less chance of veneral disease transmission, too.

Well, that’s it in a nutshell. I consider my own dalliance with prostitution a phase that I was going through. It didn’t really solve any of my problems, but I really don’t regret it, either. I learned something, and that was worth the money. My financial loss is your gain.
Remember, it’s business to them. Don’t even THINK of feeling anything for them, cause they aren’t for you. If you want to know more, contact the administrator for my e-mail address.

Good luck.

see new thread
