Ever read any Doper's every post?

You are very wise, grasshopper…


Well, as long as we’re playing like that, then I’ll assume jazzmine’s read all of my work! Wow. I’m honored.

Nameless compliments are fun.

DaLovin’ Dj

[ul]I can’t say I’ve read every post by kniz, but those that I missed were at the first, before I learned to preview.[/ul]

[ul]… **NOT ME! **
:smiley: [sup]Not even maybe[/sup][/ul]

Only if it was someone whose posts were all in one particular thread, who was quickly banned. And then, only by chance (unless I looked at the thread title and thought “train wreck.”)

I’ve read every post by Netranger. And when you’re dealing with someone who’s been here for over two years… well, that’s not easy.

You can read what OTHER people post?

Well, when I was first getting to know my friend rubesbaby, before we had met in person, I read all his posts.

Rubes has a heart of gold.

Well, I guess this “vanity search” thing was a good idea… thanks and credit go to Esprix for putting the idea in my head! :slight_smile:

All of my early posts? White Lightning, I think that’s absolutely killer, really. :cool:

I’m sorry that I outpaced your ability to keep track of me… hopefully, you can soon catch up with some of what I say! :slight_smile: (or should that be a ;)? not so sure… )

But I have never read any Doper’s entire body of work! Maybe on someone with a low post count, if I were so inclined. I fear that scott evil has outstripped my ability to keep track of him, but that’s all right. swampbear said that he was interested in stalking me on the boards, so… maybe I will have someone read a bunch of my posts! :smiley:

Ditto what Eonwe said. Gotta read what my sweetie says.

As I was about to post when the board died…

I always read anything by Rue DeDay, but then I’m his Number One Special Friend, so I owe him no less. No, I’m not a stalker. No, really. I just admire his style. And he makes me laugh.

No, that’s not a telephoto lens. And I’d never hire someone to plant numerous remote cameras all over his house and car so I can watch his ever move. Nope, not me. Really.


I’ve never read all of anyone’s posts, but there are some Dopers whose posts I’ll always take the time to read when I run across them. Jarbabyj, FairyChatMom and Airman Doors, USAF are among these folks.

You can’t actually read ALL of someone’s posts, neccessarily. Not all of the posts are still here. And then there are the posts before the board moved here from AOL…

I was the 36th person to register at this site, so I have been around long enough to read everything someone has posted here… but I haven’t. That I know of. Back on the AOL board I read every post every day, so I probably read all of what some people posted there, however.

:frowning: No one’s read all of my posts? :sniff:

And hey…I’m even a member of the Red Dope Double Secret Clique Level 3.


oh…and I’ve read all the posts of newbies who have one post who posted in threads that I’ve read. Make sense?

I think I have read all the available posts by some guy named Cecil Adams.

I keep tabs on the people I introduce to the Boards (hey, friends protect friends, right? Right? :slight_smile: ), and a few [sub]not so[/sub] lucky elite get searches from me… :wink:

[sub]You don’ t know who you are…[/sub]

A couple of people. They know who they are.:slight_smile: