Extra, Extra (day of) Rants all about it (Feb mini-rants)

We get an extra day’s worth of mini rants this month!

Fri night I got home around 12:30am, went to bed about 1am.

Sat morning, the alarm went off at 5:30am in order to get up on time to make it to my race. Only a 5k, but 800+ vertical feet of elevation. I got home sometime after 5pm, time enough to sit for 10 mins & then go shower & get dressed for a banquet that night. Totals for the day include 20,000+ steps, 120+ miles driven. Got home late that night & passed out, exhausted.

Unfortunately, I had to be up early the prior Sun so the alarm woke me up early, not a big deal, I turned over & went back to sleep, but I basically didn’t do much on Sun; just figured I was gassed from the prior day.

Monday I feel some sinus pressure in my head & my nose is a bit drippy. Great, I’m getting a cold. Probably didn’t help that we got the pool that night so we were doing some winter Scuba training, which is normally contraindicated if you have a cold/sinus issues.

Crash into bed Mon night & wake up twice to put more clothes on; eventually realize I have a fever & take an ibuprofen. Have fever twice more on Monday but the final one, early in the evening really broke it; felt like I was steamed in my clothes & for the first time in about 3½ years I didn’t do my minimum 11,000 steps, only got < 4000; the lowest # ever since I got a step counter 8 or 9 years ago.

This morning I wake up with a wicked headache but then realize I didn’t eat anything since breakfast yesterday & hardly drank anything (& was sweating a lot, too). Since I still have carry over days to use I call in sick. Figured I’d sleep in a bit then do a bunch of errands. Nope, spent most of the day horizontal on the sofa.

Late Tues evening I get an email - several people who attended the banquet have tested positive for Covid. Run upstairs, pull out the old tests & take it - two lines - I’m pregnant positive!

And a rather clever title. Nicely slung. :slight_smile:

Big rant right now: heavy rain with wind advisory here tonight. Ugh. More fairly heavy rain due in the next few days, too. Anti-rant: my ex-stray junior cat seems quite pleased to embrace the pampered indoor kitty lifestyle.

A new month already! January, we hardly knew ye! This means that some bill, somewhere, is already overdue. I’ve got everything up to date AFAIK, but to quote the great philosopher Roseanne Roseannadanna, “it’s always something. If it’s not one thing, it’s another.” I quote Roseanne often because she is SO right.


You know, it does kinda feel like a pregnancy test you shove up your nose.

  Over his many years as a stray, he surely spent many nights like tonight, outdoors, with no better shelter than those doghouse-like structures that the painter lady has set up around the property for the stray cat population.

  He surely appreciates, now, very much, the comfort of a weathertight human-type home.

So beautiful!
Also great title.

It could be worse:



“You mean… that’s an egg-sack…? Where do they crawl out from…?”

( Don’t click that unless you want to know how Emma Stone’s character Really died in “Spiderman 2”. )

You ever write down a note to remember later, and then when you look at the note, you have no idea what the fuck you were referring to?

I hate that.

And all you can remember is the sense of urgency, like, this was something reallyREALLY important!

Modifying another posters quote in an attributed quote box is against the rules, even when done as a clear joke as you did here. Please avoid doing this in the future.

No warning issued.

I guess I have to start another one, you slacker fucks.

The local newspaper decided to cancel us. Turns out, instead of telling us we were in arrears on payments (our card was compromised), they let the debt climb up to over $200 and then, instead of notifying us either by email or snail mail, they just cancelled our subscription. Called them, paid the debt, asked them to resume delivery. Nothing today because reasons. Just keep on bitching about how print media is dying while providing shitty service, mmm-kay?

I’d work there ( if the checks clear ). It’s no fun standing before a teller on payday and being told, “There’s no money in that account. Sorry. Next…”

Has anyone else today seen the Lay’s potato chips ‘Groundhog Day’ commercials?

  1. Happy Groundhog’s Day!
  2. Man, I Still hate Ned Ryerson…

Haven’t had the TV on, so no, I hadn’t seen it. That movie was cute for the first couple of iterations but IMO, it went on too long. I never liked it.

OTOH, Punxsutawney is something to see in person (once) in your life. Yup, you’re getting up at 3am to go stand on the side of a hill in rural PA in the middle of February with up to tens of thousands of your closest friends & associates on a cold Feb overnight, but what doesn’t make TV is they have entertainment (stand-up comedy) & fireworks. Nowhere else have I seen predawn fireworks. Then you watch them pull a rodent out of a stump & read some proclamation before heading back into town for (one of the many) pancake breakfasts, ‘we-were-here’ photos (they have a bunch of 4-5’ tall fiberglass groundhogs all over town), a souvenir or two before heading out of town & back to your normal life.

It does sound like fun.

( Well, except for the ride home. Home from there for me involves a lot of two-lane highways and slightly widened two-lane highways that have been modified into thin four-lane highways. Getting to (or past) The Water Gap at the beginning or end of any holiday weekend is a very slow start-and-stop process. )

If one could afford it, why not stay 1-2 extra days and then leave when it’s not rush hour? Or take the week off and head out to Hershey next, spend two days, then visit the Crayola factory, spend a day, and then drive home 78? Driving on 78 would be the worst though; so many road rage “Alpha Male” BMW drivers who are Big Pharma execs or stock brokers.

I’m having trouble parsing your response. Can you clarify?

Very early in my career, I once worked for a small company that was basically a single proprietorship. Every other week, the owner would deposit enough money into the payroll checking account to cover payroll. Every other week, they would cut checks for the employees, hand out the envelopes at around 10 AM, and we would spend most of our lunch hour at the bank cashing them (they did not offer ‘direct deposit’). At least once “he forgot” to make the payroll deposit.

Picture a payday, where you have spent the vast majority of your lunch hour waiting in line for a teller at a branch of the small bank your employer uses just so you can cash your check. Imagine that when you get to the front of the line and present your check, the teller refuses it because there is no money in the payroll amount.

Now, you’re already going hungry, skipping eating lunch just to cash the check. You have to go back to the office and work until 5… and that the bank locks its doors at 3PM. You’ll have no money that night; your wallet is almost empty. If you don’t have a gas credit card, you may not have enough gas in your tank to get home. You didn’t worry about any of this because it’s payday… or rather it was supposed to be payday. Now you have to start to wonder if the checks you mailed out the day before are going to start bouncing… will I be assessed fees?

Your empty stomach is growling, but you have to be diplomatic… because if you don’t you’ll be fired. Any new employer will be told, “Yeah, we fired him. He had a bad attitude; he yelled in the office” so your job aspects in a bad economy suck.

“It’s payday again? I must have forgotten.” - Asshole Boss

The Committee got me! Damn. I only buy Armor meatballs. 28 for 6 bucks. They were the best.
They stopped making them!
Damn comittee.:rage: