Fáilte to Omniscient (FAO Dublin Dopers)

For those of you who I didn’t text about this, and those who I did but didn’t reply (you know who you are), Omniscient will be in our fair city the second half of this week.

Omni doesn’t know what his plans are yet, but Twisty and I are free any evening.


OK, yojimbo’s just told me he can’t make it on Thursday, so, Omni, if you can meet us Friday or Saturday that would probably be better. Up to you though, of course!

Eh, that would be me. And considering you yourself pointed out that my number is on the boards…

Anyway, trying not to feel less than welcome, I would be very happy to lift a glass with Omniscient whenever he can make it. Friday and Saturday evening are always good.

Sorry hibernicus, I just sent text messages to those I wasn’t sure would be reading the board before Monday.

Anyone else? Damhna, micilin, ronan (we’re determined to drag you out one of these days…)?

Omni? Are you even reading this? :slight_smile:

Gimme a break, its 2 AM Sunday ova here. I’m hoping to get some e-mails going with my friend shortly. I’ll keep y’all posted.

I’m out of action thursday too. Any weekend night I’m free.

Wkend is cool.

Cya then.

First time in months that I’m out of the country and you guys go organise a meet. Fantastic! I should be back Sunday evening so if your all around and not totally partied out I can meet you all and let you take the unmerciful piss out of poor jetlagged me if that tickles your fancy.

Although if were going to have chilli cheese fries again I think I might just give it a miss :slight_smile:

Well, it sounds like as of this moment I’m on my own Thursday and Friday day, and meeting some people Thursday and Friday night. Saturday day might be open, I’m not sure about that until I see what I actually squeeze in the first 2 days.

The best odds for me to meet up with you guys is probably after dinner time Friday, and I can have a few pints with you before meeting up with my friend after work. I’m sorry I can’t give you guys anything more concrete, and if things fall apart thats cool. I’ll make a point of getting online and letting you guys know where I am, and if I am going to be free once or twice each day or so. Sometime Thursday I should be able post my exact plans Friday and if you guys decide to get together leave the location and I’ll try and get myself there for a little while.

Please don’t put yourselves out in any way to set anything up because I’d feel bad if you did and I wasn’t able to get over to meet you guys. However, like you said, if you all set up a DubDope for yourselves and filled me in on the location I’d do everything I could to try and join you.

FYI, I’m staying at the Westbury Hotel on Clarendon Street.

What names should I look for when trying to find an internet cafe? They are pretty sparse around here, so I don’t really know if they’re hard to find or if there’ a est franchise to look for. Would a typical cabbie or the hotel concierge know what I was asking for? I ask because in Chicago these people would likely look at you like you were from another planet (i.e. California) except for at the best hotels.

OK, gotta start packing…

There are probably about 25 internet cafés within 1 km of where you’re staying. I guarantee you you’ll have no trouble finding one. The concierge will probably know as well.

So I guess we’re going to say Friday night, huh? Whose turn is it to pick the pub?

Omni, I’ll email you my mobile number as well.

Use this e-mail to get a hold of me, I’ll be using it as my primary method of contact while I’m gone.


Anyone who is interested in meeting up, or would like me to keep them up to speed on my plans send me an e-mail so I have your address handy.

D’oh! You sneaky Irish, thinking you can put one over on us unsuspecting Californians by putting Dublin in the title… We see you talking over there! :wink:

Rasa, All your base are belong to us!
Omni, I will be free nearly all weekend, and I work pretty close to where you are staying, so if you want to get lunch any of the weekdays you are free, I would be happy to arrange a time.
drop me a line and We can arrange it.

Condsidering I work about 2 feet away from ToF you can add me to that aswell.


More than two feet away from Twisty and Yoji but meeting for lunch would still be feasible (come to think of it, not on Friday, though). Give me a call if this plan goes anywhere.

Is that a sleazy Irish come on? Are you coming on to Rasa? I know all about you micks. Don’t make me give you the ole stink eye.

Does anybody want to pick the pub for tomorrow night?

Modern Green Bar on Georges Street?


Hello Irishpeeps, I’m officially on the emerald isle. I arrived without incident about 2 hours ago, settled into the hotel and dashed over to my nearest friendly cyber cafe. The Planet Cyber Cafe to be exact on Andrew St.

Would any of you blokes who mentioned lunch be interested in the next couple hours? I’ll e-mail you guys if your addresses are posted and I’ll hang out here online for a little while to give you guys a shot to reply. Its 10:50 local time, I imagine I’ll hang out for a half hour or so.