Borderlands 2 has tons of funny quotes. The main badguy, Handsome Jack, taunts you through the whole game with these silly anecdotes. One of my favorites:
"…So people are dying left and right and all of sudden this guy decides to run at me with a spoon. A SPOON HAHAHA! So I scoop his stupid little eyeballs out with it and his kids are there all crying like WAAHHHH! And he’s runnin’ into stuff and… hahaha! Oh man… I guess you had to be there.
Anyway… the moral of the story is you’re a total bitch."
“Out of Body Experience” is my vote for funniest mission. A choice quote from the untrustworthy robot AI core you’ve been asked to help:
“Sorry for attempting to murder you. Force of habit. Please insert me into War Loader 1340 at these coordinates. I will not attempt to murder you again.” [Attempts to murder you again.]
“Oh, yeah, and since you shiver-brains evidently don’t know how to listen, I’ll say it again: stop bringing in fake Sirens. Only six Sirens can exist in the universe at any given time, and I already know of three - you’re not gonna convince me you happened to find one of the remaining three just by drawing blue tattoos on some random chick’s corpse. I will admit, it was mildly amusing the first dozen times you idiots tried it, but now my office smells like blood and marker fumes. So quit it!”