Featherlou and Dread Pirate Jimbo tie the knot

Well, we finally did it. We learned how to make those pesky square knots. No, no, just kidding, we actually got married this weekend. We had a small wedding with about 30 people there, the weather was perfect, the day went almost without a hitch (except for ours :D), dinner, drinking and dancing were had by all, and there are officially two less single people in the world now. Yay us!

(The pictures haven’t been loaded on the net yet - will advise as soon as they are ready for public viewing.)


Congratulations, y’all!


Congratulations! Two Calgary Girly dopers married off - now we have to work on Alice in wonderland.

Hey, congratulations! :slight_smile: I was wondering when the wedding was… glad to hear you’ve got it all done now!


You know, Ginger, there were a couple of single guys at our wedding that are very nice, with good, steady jobs. One is a lawyer I’m afraid, but he does really hate lawyering. Oh, just remembered, one lives in Peace River and the other in Edmonton. Maybe Al’s ready for a change of scenery. Thanks for the good wishes, all. It’s going pretty good so far - one day in and counting.

Several of our gifts were carefully protected with bubble wrap. I love bubble wrap! It’s the gift that keeps on giving! Woo-hoo!

Seriously, thanks for the congrats everyone. :slight_smile:

Luck and Joy to you both.

Congrats, you two! :slight_smile:


Wow, congratulations!

Congrats, and all the best!


Hey, y’all. Congratulations! :slight_smile:

Congratulations! Hope yours was as fun as ours was :slight_smile:

Well, we’re back from the ole honeymoon now - that was a lot of fun. Especially after all the stress and hubbub of the wedding and planning. Now back to the real world - heavy sigh.

Congratulations and best wishes for a wonderful life together…

May you always be happier than you are today!

Much Love,
