Female Dopers: How Do You Masturbate?

For the purpose of eradicating ignorance (mine), I have a few questions it would be very kind of you to answer.

Do you use porn, computer or other, or it is strictly fantasy?

Where do you do it: bed, bath, garden?

Do you use toys, or just your fingers?

How often do you do it, and will you make love to your partner the same day?

Is it part of your shared sex life, or strictly a by-yourself thing?
If you don’t masturbate, please share that as well, if you wish to.

Thanking you.

Hmm. I’ll bite, what the hell.

  1. Either, a combo, or some other stimulation.

  2. Bed, bath, & beyond! :wink:

  3. Fingers or a vibrator.

  4. Depends. Sometimes a couple times a day, sometimes twice a week. Averages out to once a day, usually. And no, it doesn’t interefere with having intercourse the same day.

  5. These days, I’m without a partner more often than with. However, it’s been a part of my sex life.

You must be very flexible.

Thanks, Cosmo. Maybe I should add that the reason I’m asking is not prurience (mostly). My wife doesn’t masturbate, never has, and states she has zero desire to do it. I wanted to see how that would gibe with the Doper experience.

Well, in that case maybe you just should’ve asked if female dopers masturbate. The fact that you want details makes it hard not to imagine you with your pants around your ankles while you read this thread.

To borrow from Chris Rock, they still make women like that?

I’ve tried masturbating, and maybe it’s just that I’m not all that good at it yet, but it isn’t as interesting as my SO doing it for me. I prefer the intimacy with him than just pure physical sensation. That being said, if I actually tried it more often and got good at it, who knows, maybe I’d think differently.

*Do you use porn, computer or other, or it is strictly fantasy? *
Sometimes one or the other, or both. Just depends on my mood.

*Where do you do it: bed, bath, garden? *
Eh, whatever. . . If the urge strikes and I’m in a safe place to do it, I do it.

*Do you use toys, or just your fingers? *
Sometimes toys, sometimes just fingers, sometimes both.

*How often do you do it, and will you make love to your partner the same day? *
Sometimes once a day, sometimes more - Again, just depends on my mood. I’d guess that it averages out to about once a day. If I had a partner, it would not affect when/how often we had intercourse.

*Is it part of your shared sex life, or strictly a by-yourself thing? *
It would probably be part of my shared sex life if I had a partner.

I’m not sure if you mean this to sound as inflammatory as it does to me, but I don’t personally think he’s asking for details in the sense that you seem to be saying he is. It’s not like he asked for people to write a description of the act or anything.

Hey, he’s the one who said the reason he was asking was not prurience mostly.

Interpret that how you will.

lola, I can see, in retrospect, how you might feel that way. I guess I was after a sense of if a societal sense of shame was attached, more for women than men.

Also, if there was a substantial difference between women’s habits and men’s habits. Men’s habits have been pretty thoroughly covered on this board; women’s habits less so.

Beadalin, I know, huh? It doesn’t affect things in the sack; she claims she just doesn’t think about it unless I’m around to get invovled.

Lola, I used prurience in an uneffective attempt to be witty.

And ‘invovled’ is not a euphemism for getting it on.

<getting up off floor> good one…

essvee, I’ve always thought of you as a good, decent dude, based on your other posts … but in this thread, frankly, you come across as James Spader’s character in Sex, Lies, and Videotape.

Jomo, I appreciate the feedback. I am a little surprised, considering the topics that have been explored here, that some folks think the topic is inappropriate, buy again, I can see how it might be viewed in that way.

I wish to assure people that this is a subject I’ve been wondering about; I gave some of the context above; and it truly did not occur to me that some posters might think I was behaving voyeuristically. I mean, I’ve got the whole wide Web if I wanted to get off about women masturbating…

Thanks to Cosmo, Siva, and Jessica for their answers.

There’s actually a lot of literature on this subject. Just go to Amazon.com and enter the word “masturbation.” You’ll probably get views from many women, clinicians, etc., through the books. I think some people change their habits and interests over time. Maybe the wife will…

Reading the title of the thread, then opening it, and then discovering that it is somehow unacceptably prurient seems to me to be a very odd sort of reaction.

I opened it. It turned out fairly tame, and mildly informative.

And I don’t have my pants down to my ankles.

Of course, I am not wearing any pants.

Woo Woo.


Oh for cripes sake, people, it’s not like we haven’t had about a thousand threads on the same or similar subjects, and yes, sometimes it is titillating, but so what? Nobody is being forced to share, and the query did come out of genuine curiosity.


Do you use porn, computer or other, or it is strictly fantasy?
All of the above, what I require or desire at any particular time depends on my mood.

Where do you do it: bed, bath, garden?
Mostly in bed, but I’ve done it right here at my desk, or in the bathroom, or on the couch, or…

Do you use toys, or just your fingers?
Depends on how I’m feeling at the moment. I have a pretty good toy collection, but sometimes fingers are all I need.

How often do you do it, and will you make love to your partner the same day?
Not as often now that we are together all the time as when we were still long-distance, but every now and then the mood strikes. He really enjoys hearing about it, so that frequently inspires some action.

Is it part of your shared sex life, or strictly a by-yourself thing?

The superstore for all your masturbation needs.

I do not.
Your welcome.

Quoting Geobabe:

“right here at my desk”

<Plnnr falls over in a heap>