Finally! Joe Biden Rails On GWB and Iraq

Well, I knew it had to happen some day. Joe Biden gives an impassioned speech on the Floor that actually makes sense.

I had to watch the video twice before I could appreciate what Biden was saying. The first go-round I was like “Groannnn, oh, it’s Joe Biden,” but the more he spoke the more into it I became, and by the end of his speech I was like “Go, Joe, …um, I mean Senator Biden, Go!!” I was so stoked I needed to watch it again right away.

Yeah, I know he’s running for president, and this was more than likely a calculated move on his part, but man, that was some strong stuff! And he looks genuinely PISSED (which seemed more evident upon viewing it the second time, for some reason).

Some nice quotes from his speech…

Many more gems in the speech. Give a listen.

Calculated? Probably. Necessary? Definitely, and about bloody time.

Who did he plagiarize them from?

I knew that comment was coming, but I didn’t expect it to be the first response. Cut the man a little slack, Frank, sheesh.

What’s the debate?

As for this quote:

Sounds like: No one could have anticipated that…

Is that the best excuse Biden can come up with for voting yea on the AUMF back in '02? Color me unimpressed.

Well, you’re dragged into a pointless war by the President you have, not the President you wish you had…

You have a point here, John. I guess I should place my topics where I believe they belong, instead of where I think they’ll end up.

Didn’t sound like excuse making to me. In my view Biden was saying even though we (Congress) were sold a bill of goods and obviously believed the administration’s assertions enough to give our blessings to commit the (criminal - my emphasis) war on Iraq, our expectations were that it would be prosecuted as advised. It wasn’t, and now, not only do we have egg on our collective faces, we’re digging ourselves in deeper, against all logic.

As a supported of Senator Biden for the presidential nomination, this statement is very annoying. Of all the screw ups that have been committed by politicians throughout US History, this one is a minor one in my opinion. Unfortunately, this is going to keep coming up throughout Biden’s career. I wonder why Hillary doesn’t get as much slack for stealing white house gifts and lying about the money for her NY mortgage etc etc? I fear for my party if she is the best we can come up with.
Biden’s speech was passionate and comes with years of experience behind it. I only wish there was a way for people to get beyond the glitz and novelty of the front runners and go for substance.

We now return to our regularly scheduled thread.

Exactly and it is about time that someone stood up and said it loudly and forcefully. We gave you the authorization to do THIS which you did. Now let’s go home and call it a day. The world isn’t perfect and sending our young people and spending our money isn’t going to make it so.

Not in mine. shrug Too bad - I like, in general, his stances on the issues. But I won’t support him for the nomination.

You mean like the last go-around? Or was Kerry all “glitz and novelty”?

Don’t forget Mr. Excitement himself, Mike Dukakis. Or Walter “Glitzy-Fritz” Mondale.