Sarah Palin, Ted Nugent and Kid Rock walk into the White House. . .
(Before reading the article) And then Kid Rock sighs, “Nuge… we should have known better than to trust Sarah with the navigation”.
(After reading it) I got nothin’.
But here’s some side-splitting humor from deep within the article itself. :rolleyes:
…and Trump becomes the smartest person in the room.
Winner. Close the thread.
“Proctologists rewrite rules as feces re-enters sphincter”
…and Ted wants to know why the Secret Service gets so antsy about target practice in the Rose Garden.
No, there was a portrait of Hillary Clinton in the room.
But then his dad made some phone calls and got the charges dropped.
. . . grinning from ear-to-ear, knowing that they had played a roll in preventing ol’ Hillary from taking up residence.
. . . wondering what ol’ Hillary was up to these days.
. . . Nugent, and Palin, and Rock. Oh my! Nugent, and Palin, and Rock. Oh my!
We’re off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz.
We hear - he is a whiz of a wiz.
If ever a whiz there was
If ever - oh ever a wiz there was
The wizard of Oz is one because
Because, because, because, because, because
Because of the wonderful things he does.
We’re off to see the wizard.
Fake News. NYT selectively quoted Ted Nugent as calling Obama a “mongrel”, which ignores any possible context for the word.
Nugent called Obama a “subhuman mongrel”. Ladies and gentlemen, a role model for our current President.
Sarah Palin, Kid Rock, and Ted Nugent:
Cliff Clavin: Who are three people who have never been in my kitchen?
Did you read the OP? (“OP” meaning “opening post”?)
…and then the murders began.
…we have pigeon eggs.
Ok, no, that didn’t work. Lemme think on this.
… And the doorman says “GTFO, this isn’t a bar”
I like the 2nd winner of the Dlisted Caption This contest here.
Sarah Palin, Ted Nugent ja Kid Rock menevät Valkoiseen Taloon. . .