Fists Of Fury, Genitals Of Death

His name was Temuchin, but most folks remember him as Attila the Hun, and he had about the greatest life any male guy type person could imagine.

He rode horses, kicked ass, took whatever he wanted, conquered half the known world…

…and died on his wedding night, having just married a gorgeous teenage girl, and popped a gasket while in flagrante delicto, so to speak.

Exit Temuchin, Scourge of God.

I also seem to recall some sort of scandal in New York a while back, in which an overweight politician was merrily humping away at his frisky young mistress in a bar he owned, after hours, atop the piano, when he suddenly went belly-up, so to speak… and trapped his companion under his large and ungainly corpse until the morning crew came in to clean up and open the place… although this COULD be an urban legend.

The wife and I were discussing this matter recently, and our divergent attitudes on it kind of made me think.

Me? I figure that dying in bed while having mad passionate sex with a gorgeous woman is about the best way there is to go, really.

My wife agreed that this might be so… but she couldn’t help but see things from the girl’s point of view. How must that feel, to know that someone actually DIED while having sex with you?

Once she mentioned this, I will admit it gave me pause for thought. Man. How MUST that feel? One minute, your partner is howling and screaming and thrashing like a mink in heat… and… suddenly… their eyes get REAL big–

–they go “Gak,”–

–and then they quit moving. Eyes staring. No breathing.


And the more I thought about that, the more of an impression it made on me. What WOULD that be like? To know that you were so terrific in bed that you actually KILLED someone?

My dear wife and I discussed it further, and the more we did, the more I realized that there would probably be a wide dichotomy between the way GUYS regarded this phenomenon, and the way WOMEN would.

Women tend to be a lot more matter-of-fact about sexual matters. LOVE can make a woman crazy and/or stupid, but sex? Pffffffft.

The woman in question would instantly come to the conclusion that the guy was out of shape, too old, or had some kind of weird John Ritter hidden heart defect. The woman would not in any way take the credit for killing the guy. In fact, she’d probably go out and kill two or three more before she really began to have it sink in that she was running around killing people with her twat of death, you know?

Guys, now, guys are different. I mean, we already regard our penises as a kind of mystical object, filled with mystery and power, the staff of life and the lever of joy, you know? Guys are obsessed with their dicks.

If a guy was furiously ravishing a howling, willing woman who, suddenly, got all bug-eyed in mid-orgasm, said, “Gak,” and died, it would take our hero about three seconds to realize and take full responsibility. “Jesus Christ on a rubber raft, eatin’ Doritos,” he would say, “I have killed this poor woman with my DICK!”

And, despite the fact that his lady friend probably died of a coronary or some other nonsexual biophysical event, he would obsess. The incident would haunt him. It could well make him crazy, on a variety of levels. Every time some attractive woman looked at him and smiled, thereafter, he would think, “Do I dare unleash my Cock Of Death? After all, I don’t know if I can CONTROL it…”

I mean, first and foremost, how long would our hero actually have to wait before his libido overcame his conscience? How long would he hold out before he finally subjected some poor, unsuspecting lady to his Weapon Of Mass Destruction, so to speak?

Perhaps not. Perhaps he would, instead, choose to relieve the pressure in a safer and more solitary manner.

…unless it occurred to him that this, too, could be dangerous. I mean, if there’s no one else to soak up the impact, could it, like, boomerang back on him? I mean, masturbation is having sex with YOURSELF, right? What if he blows his hand off, or something?

Meanwhile, across town, a woman is pondering the fact that she has an Attack Womb, a Vagina Thanatosa, only having come to the realization after having offed two or three Mr. Goodbars in a row. What’s SHE thinking about this? Is SHE agonizing over the demands of flesh vs. conscience?

Well, yeah, possibly. Or perhaps she’s just thinking about certain bosses, old boyfriends, and that creep who used to live next door…

One of my goals in life is to make a woman orgasm so long and or so hard she passes out.

Killing them would be couter productive though.

Hi, Kirk.

Doc says “hi,” too… :smiley:

The question that sprang immediately to my mind was; "When he realized she was dead, would he ‘finish up’ or quit right there? :eek:

I can’t help it. I have the kind of mind that looks for all the ‘loose ends’.

Um, “finishing up” might not be an option, when you consider that death causes the relaxation of the sphincters on all bodily orifices.

IIRC, there was a movie called Liquid Sky about a woman who after being kidnapped by aliens was given the ability to kill by having sex with someone.

A subject upon which I finally feel qualified to answer. However, let me remind the OP: You asked for it.

I am attracted to older men. Have always, as long as I can remember, been attracted to older men. So, when I was in my twenties, I spent a lot of time in the company of men in their early- to mid-forties. One of these men happened to be attractive, intelligent, and above all, FUNNY. Which may not do it for some women, but it’s definitely a must on my list of what to look for in a man.
At any rate. I finally decided to allow him to seduce me. We were engaged in some mutually enjoyable, fairly strenuous activitiy (I’ll spare you the details), when he paused. I was not at a point where I wanted to pause. After a few moments, when he hadn’t continued, I asked “What’s wrong?” No. He was NOT dead. He
was having a heart attack. Great. Into nurse mode, grab his bag (yeah, yeah, he was a doctor, don’t get side tracked). Get nitro pill. Get him into car, rush to hospital. Why did he not tell me he had this condition? “I didn’t think it would be a problem.” K. No biggie, I’m just scarred for life. OSHIT!! The hospital. Where we BOTH work. Dammit. No help for it now, we’re here. The next several hours were unpleasant and uncomfortable. We were quite the scandal for about 2 months, til a charge nurse found a friend of mine, um, doing a resident a favor in an exam room.

I didn’t go out with him again. No I wasn’t so shallow that all I could think about was the sex, it was more than that. I didn’t go out with anyone again for quite a while, and even then, it was upward of a year before I felt I could even consider having sex again. I mean, what do you say? “People with heart conditions should not go on this ride!”? And, when I did, I found I was unable to relax enough to enjoy myself. Very upsetting.
I eventually ended up getting some help, because it was starting to affect other areas of my life, as well. It took time, and patience, and tears and grief, and a lot of soul searching, but I am happy to report that I am now back to my (more or less) wonderfully wanton self.

BAND NAME. actually, there were more than just that one. Great OP.

Maureen, As an older man with a good heart, I am happy that you are now back to your wonderfully wanton self.

That guy was a Rockefeller of some sort I think.


Temujin was the birth name of Genghis Khan, not Attila.


sigh… perfectly good rant, shot to hell due to historical inaccuracy…:frowning:

…And his obituary read…“He came, and went at the same time.”

I believe death during orgasm is referred to as “Recycling”.

If it makes you feel any better, Wang Ka… I didn’t notice.

I DID like the “gak” part though.

Back in the younger days, before I was happily married, I actually did have a young lady faint while we were in the throes of one of the more physically difficult pages of the Kama Sutra. I suspect that she was just tired, since it was after 3 AM and she had just finished a full shift, being a waitress at the club my band was playing–but I’m willing to take the credit anyway.

Also, if we’re going in for other medical problems (since Maureen brought it up), a female friend of mine broke a guy’s cock once. They were going at it hot and heavy and he sorta missed the spot and hit her pelvic bone. The darn thing broke and she had to take him to the hospital. TMI for guys, I’m pretty darned sure.

Nelson Rockefeller was found dead in his office after hours. A female aide had been. It’s pretty much accepted that he died while having sex with her.

Stephen King’s “The Green Mile” relates that a good ole boy country Southern sheriff died while humping a 17 year old black girl in his office. “It’s always a relief when someone is caught with his pants down and his dick up and it isn’t you.”

Temuchin: “I’m cumming.”

St. Peter: “Yes, I know.”

OK, well I’ve got a heart condition, and this has actually happened to me. And, as my (now ex) boyfriend said afterwards, it might sound like something to be proud of, but rushing out of the room yelling “OH MY GOD! SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE” really isn’t something you want as part of your sexual repetoire…

If it was from ME! and not some other cause, such as anemia or a heart condition then it would be cool.

Did you mean “Cooter productive”?

It aint as cool as you might think.
It’s pretty scarry and even when you realize she’s going to be OK she’s not likely to be inclined to continue where you left off so you can “finish”.