For My 5000th Post, I'd Like...

…your help.

This post isn’t the big one. But I’d like to start a diferent kind of thread.

When I hit my milestone posts, I tend to start threads waxing philosophically about how wonderful you all are. Because you really are wonderful.

But this time, I’d like to do something different. I’ve got two ideas, and I’d like you to vote on what I should do.

Idea #1:

5000 Posts, And I’ve Never Been Flamed!

Seriously. Oh, I’ve had a couple of people get annoyed, but no one’s really toasted me. ultress tried once, but that was a very long time ago, and like this thread, it was in fun. So I need some flames.

Idea #2:

Is There Anything You Don’t Know About Me Yet?

I spend sooooo much time here, and I’ve revealed an awful lot about myself. But is there anything you’ve always wanted to ask about, but for whatever reason, you didn’t? This would be the thread to do it in.

Mind you, I’m only a few posts away from 5000. But I’ll try real hard to restrain myself until the voting is complete. Oh, how about 5 pm tonight?

You may begin.

who woke up feeling strangely egotistical this morning…maybe it’s because I got some last night…

Idea #1: Why, you…you…sorry, can’t come up with anything.

I vote for idea #2. What the question should be, I have no damn idea. Little help?

Well I tried my best to flame you, but geesh you are such a nice person I just didn’t have the heart to hurt your feelings, even in fun. So I go with the second idea. And yea there are a few things that we don’t know about you. I’ll save that question for after the finish of the voting if the second idea wins.

I could start a Pit thread about you. You could give me some inside dirt (or I can hire a P.I. friend to dig some up Muhaha) and flame the gee golly heck out of you. :slight_smile:

Something I don’t know about you:

Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir?


I think for your 5,000th post you should turn us all into newts!

But just make sure we get better. :wink:

Happy soon to be 5,000!

Dearest Cristi…

I don’t know what you ought to do for your 5000th post. But I do want to say that I care very deeply for you, and I wish for you all the joy that life allows.

You are a loving, giving woman. You are my friend, and thank you so much for that. You…well, you are also funny, and terrific, and awesome. And I wish and hope and PRAY that you get all the things that you deserve.

Happy 5000, honey. May you be happy, and warm and safe.

Much Love,


PS…do you think we should add onto the craft room, now that you are into cardmaking? I mean…I am happy to share, but doubtless you have different ideas than mine, and maybe we should add some shelves to house the new batch of rubber stamps and such? :slight_smile:

Be honest. What you’d really like for your 5000th post is me. :smiley:

Well whatever you want to do, Happy soon to be 5000th post! YAY! :smiley:

I can only hope maybe one day I can have as many as you :wink:

Well, deadline’s up. Maybe Cristi is doing a handy on us and secretly hopes will open up a thread about it…

Good for you. :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay, this is 5000. I intended to do it last night, but I was kinda hoping for a few more votes, and then, well, I fell asleep.

Since the response to my ideas for a 5000th post was, well, kinda lukewarm, I’ll do something else. I’ll tell you about my day today.

Had a family picnic today, with most of my relatives. It was nice. We were out at a state park that, IIRC, is in Shirley Ujest’s neck of the woods. We barbecued, swam, had a pinata for the kids, and just hung around enjoying each other’s company. My family is very large, but very close. Unfortunately, we’ve all got jobs, kids, and busy lives, so we don’t get together like this as often as we used to. Lately, though, we’ve really been trying to make more of an effort. When my grandmother died in 1999, my mom and her siblings realized that we really need to spend more time together, like we used to a couple of decades ago.

My great-grandmother is 98 years old. She came out today, too. We’ve all been spending a lot more time with her lately, since we almost lost her last summer (her kidneys failed. But she got better. Talk about amazing.) I make a real effort to make sure my kids know just who this woman is. Not many people at all can say that they knew their great-great grandmother.

My stepson is still here, visiting for the summer. He lives with his mother. But her family is completely dysfunctional, and my husband’s family lives several states away. So my family is all he’s got. They love him, and he loves them. And today, he just had the best time. He also told me that I was the best stepmother in the world. Of course, he doesn’t have any other stepmothers to base that on, but it still made me feel really, really good.

Now I’m going to kick back on the couch, eat some leftovers from the picnic, do a small ritual for my husband (who has a potentially really huge day tomorrow), and think about how much I love my family.

I’ll also be thinking about you guys. Times have been hard for me lately, but I can always find warmth and caraing here. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you all.

Much love,

5 grand! I am always amazed at that level of activity. But I can still catch up if I … um … well maybe not.

Congratulations. Have a brewski on meski!

Well, I’d try to flame you just for that comment, but I’m not in the mood to flame someone, and lately I’ve found that involuntary chastity(or is abstinence the better word) has benefits…not that I’d mind the end of this dry spell.
Congrats…I may hit 1000 in another 6 weeks, considering I’ll be gone for 2 of them.

I wish I could say I didn’t know just what you mean, Lsura, but I do. The worst part of it is that I’m married. But, one of the requirements for two people to have actual physical sex with each other is that they’ve got to be in the same room at the same time. And due to to our wildly differing work schedules, that doesn’t happen too often with me and my husband. :eek:

Hi Persephone,

I’ve been here a long time, but I don’t really think I’ve ever really spoken to you directly. So…
I’d just like to say I enjoy your posts, and you come across as a very nice person. :slight_smile:

Happy 5000!


Christi, my special little red-head, in light of this developement, I’ll save a special “party favor” for you at OhDope.

Always glad to hear that friend “got some,” so congrats on that, too. :smiley: