Fornicate that excrement, I'm acquiring a vehicle!

That’s right: I’ve had it. I should have gotten myself a new car last spring, but first business was slow, and then some masturbarian decided not to pay me. But now I’m fully booked for 2001. (That’s the only thing I really miss about not watching TV any more: my early Sunday dose of Morag and that wee bonny lass.) Somebody wake up somebody at the Toyota dealership!

And for all those people helping me decide picking the colour: thank you, and it’s going to be the silver grey one. :wink:


Cool, enjoy.

(Silver grey never looks dirty, points for that)

Now you can drive down here and visit me!

Sniff, nobody has ever driven down here to visit me, noooooo, I gotta go visit them.

But now you can be the first!

I can understand why nobody takes on such a journey. Talk about down south. I did drive further south once (Stuttgart), but they actually paid me for that.

But since I have to test the maximum speed anyway, and doing it in the NL is highly illegal, I might take you up on that offer. [Bela Lugosi] Bevare! Bevare! [/Bela Lugosi]

I’ll be the thin guy who’s crying because at top speed that 80 year-old toothless biddy still passed him in her Beamer.

And gave him the finger.

I live in friggen Heidelberg! Sheesh…it’s not like I don’t drive all the way up north every year to see y’alls stinkin’ tulips and eat y’alls stinkin’ cheese. Okay???

Sorry, I am very bitter tonight towards all things vaguely Dutch. I am boycotting the country for the next two, maybe three days. Hah! That’ll learn y’all to crush my hopes and dreams.
But please, continue to enjoy this getting a new car feeling, if it is possible knowing the great pain and distress your nation has caused me. :frowning:

Congrats on the new wheels, SkinnyGuy!

Never mind tater, I believe it’s a specific public service that has incurred her wrath, not the country as such.

tater, that hurt. I’ll be honoured to visit you, come spring. Perhaps while Diane is passing through ?

S. Norman

After I sent you the Original Danish Breakfast Meat?

Okay, it’s a date. :slight_smile:

And my boycott of the Dutch does not include SkinnyGuy, as I have a secret crush on him.

Um, wasn’t this supposed to be about a car or something?

Up yours, mine and everybody’s with that grey car. I’m getting the beige one. Didn’t you people know that when it comes to making decisions I’m full of doo-doo?

Went to the Toyota dealership today to confirm the order for the car. Saw someone else’s recently delivered beige Avensis standing on the lot. Man, I wanted to steal that puppy. No more grey car for me.

tatertot: since I know you’re thinking warm thoughts about every single Dutch public service right now, and are very sorry for ever thinking otherwise, I will forgive you your transgression. My route planner says Heidelberg is less than 500 km. If y’all can handle all that influx of foreigners, I’ll be there in the spring as well.

I’ll be the thin guy who’s smiling, because he’s driving a beige car while playing Rage Against The Machine and/or Ozzy Osbourne.