I want to send an E-card, but looking for a site that doesn’t charge. Can anyone offer a suggestion?
I want to send an E-card, but looking for a site that doesn’t charge. Can anyone offer a suggestion?
someecards.com is hilarious!
http://www.care2.com/ has a lot of cute ones
Before you send one, make sure the email address you’re sending it too isn’t someone’s “safe” address, that is, one that’s (relatively) free of spam. I have a gmail account that gets less than one spam a week, and only because I used it to register at a job site. It’s glorious! My family doesn’t know about it, cause if they did, it’s be full of chain emails and e-cards. And e-card sites are quick to sell the address they collect to spammers, why else would they be so free?
Good advice, thanks.
I know you didn’t ask, and I don’t mean to rain on your parade or hijack this thread, but are you sure the recipient likes E-cards?
I know I absolutely loathe them. They are usually something insipid, I have to click and open and watch some stupid bunny hop from one side to the next, click here, click there, see some lame Flash animation appear, and maybe, if I am lucky, get a real message from the sender. For whatever reason, I seem to get tons of them from well-meaning German friends - E-cards seem to be really popular over there.
Just thought I would mention this.
And please feel free to ignore my rant - maybe I am just Mr. Grumpy when it comes to E-cards.
Hallmark.com has some free e-cards that are very nice. Most of them are $.99.
I’m looking forward to trying PigSpigot.