Free Vasectomies

For you guys 18 and over interested in never having kids, the University of Washington Urology Dept. is doing free vasectomies.

Tom Leykis let his listeners know about this.



Thought this was a thread about Lorena Bobbit.

All right! I’ll take a dozen!

Heck is where you go when you don’t believe in Gosh.

Ah, to have known this before March 23, when I had mine done. And don’t let anyone tell you it doesn’t hurt. Lidocaine or not I thought the Dr. was trying to pull them off ("Excuse me, but I have to throw up…NOW!).

Well, I have already had one, but geez, if they’re free

Sig! Sig a Sog! Sig it loud! Sig it Strog! – Karen Carpenter with a head cold

Well, I have already had one, but geez, if they’re free

Sig! Sig a Sog! Sig it loud! Sig it Strog! – Karen Carpenter with a head cold

That’s the spirit, NTG!

I’ll take 20 or so myself. They make fantastic party favors.

That movie taught me some important lessons in life. 1. I can build a robot that loves me. 2. I can reanimate my dead girlfriend by jamming bits of metal and silicon into her skull. Both are lessons I use on a daily basis…