French Fry Assault

Fucking bitch. I know - weak rant, but words fail me:

Woman arrested for french fry assault

I’m disgusted that this cretin lives near me.

words fail me sometimes…

Eight months pregnant on top of that. So much for maternal instinct…

Fucking bitch is right.

However, the article doesn’t say what damage was done to the kid. Was he burnt or have his eyes been damaged etc. If the kid came out of it unscathed I really think that 20+ years is way OTT. I know that’s the maximum for the crime BTW. Any legal sort care to speculate on what the actual sentence could be.

Judging from the obvious intellect of this person, I’d say that she may very well serve the rest of her life on the other side of a McDonalds counter. That, and having to pay for the damage done to the kid ought to be punishment enough.

Oh, all right, put her in jail for a couple of months. Although I’d prefer a stiff fine for this sort of thing: costs a whole lot less than locking a person up.

I feel bad for the unborn child. If the woman flies off the handle when a 4 yr old spills ice cream, what’s going to happen when her own kid spits up on her, or pees on her, or bleeds on her. He/she will be much smaller, much more defenseless, and won’t be able to run away if threatened like the 4 yr old did.

I hope Children and Youth Services monitors her very closely. Perhaps mandatory anger management and/or parenting classes would be a useful addition to her sentence.

Well won’t she make a splendid mother.:rolleyes:

Even if the boy ended up with nothing worse than a noogie-burn, I think the woman deserves some time in a cell. Preferably one where she has a roomie who can give her some much-deserved payback.

I mean, we’re talking about a four-year-old boy who accidentally spills ice cream on her, then she has the gall to chase him around the place and put him in a headlock, to boot! What the fuck is wrong with people?

I disagree with jail time, given the fact that she’s pregnant. It’d be a shame to start the kids life off in a jail nursery, or away from his mother. Home confinement would be more suitable in this particular situation. Long term supervision or parole is a must, though.

Bolding mine

Maybe not such a bad thing?

Totally disagree with you here. Being pregnant is no excuse to lessen the punishment. (btw I’m opposed to capitol punishment so don’t bother with that)

No, but the kid probably has enough strikes against it (not necessarily though. I don’t want to get torched for generalizations…). No sense adding another one. That’s why they should be together, but closely supervised. Any hint of problems, and the kid is removed from her custody and care.

The judge could suspend the sentence for however long (if that’s a legal option), and as long as there are no issues between the mother and the child, or any child for that matter, then the sentence could be reduced to time served or something.

I just don’t see the point in punishing the child for his mother’s actions.

I don’t know what the penalties are, but if it’s her first offense, she’d probably only get a heavy fine anyway. True, being pregnant shouldn’t lessen the punishment, but it may be a reason to *alter[/] the punishment. I’m not saying the matter should be dropped, but maybe a more creative punishment would be better suited in this instance.

I think it would be far more of a punishment to leave a helpless newborn in the custody of a woman who thinks its appropriate to abuse someone else’s child.

Think about what this woman did. She got up out her chair – which at 8 months pregnant is something which requires some effort – and chased a small child around a restaurant. She was probably yelling at the child, and I’d lay dollars to donuts that what she was saying wasn’t on the lines of “Come here, you little scalliwag!” She then grabbed the child, restrained him with a headlock and proceeded to grab the nearest thing which she thought would hurt him – hot fries – and went after what was the most vulnerable part of his body she had access to, his eyes.

That’s just depraved.

If I were Queen of the Country, this brainless bitch wouldn’t be able to lay eyes on that baby. It would be born, and immediately taken into CFS custody and placed for adoption with people who have brains in their heads.

Just because someone can spawn doesn’t mean someone is worthy of the title “Mother”.

I say the BEST thing that could happen to her soon to be born would be for someone to adopt him or her.

Good GOD, what the FUCK?

Maybe I’m more liberal on this issue than I thought. I figured that she should be afforded a break if this is her first offense. No, I don’t think she should get off scott free. Yes, what she did was reprehensible. But it just seems like everyone wants to punish her for life (taking her child would do just that) for one crime.

I know it happened in Maryland, but if it were PA, her defense attorney would likely plea it down from 1st degree assault, to something less, likely without jail time.

Simple Assault as defined by Pennsylvania.

Since she is only 18, it would be a 2nd degree misdemeanor here. MMMV.

The 4 year old will be fine. Little kids tend to bounce back pretty well. It’ll probably be a while until he’ll want french fries, but he’ll likely have only vague recollections of this incident as he grows older. I don’t think he’ll be scarred for life, physically or emotionally. However, if his parents decide to sue the girl, he may have tuition when he’s older.

I’d like to argue that casey. If she threw the kid into the wall and he broke his arm, would you still let her get off scott free? She commited a crime, she should not have that child, and she should rot in jail for a few months. It’ll rehab her. hopefully.


I’m surprised no one has brought this up:

WHERE was the grandmother? If my mother took my kids to McDonald’s and someone did that to them, they would be arresting my MOM for assault, pregnant or not.

No, violence isn’t right, but you would be asking a lot of someone to just stand by in that situation.

Not to mention, the kid had time to run around the restaurant? What was the grandmother doing?

That being said, what a sick thing to do to a child.

The grandmother may not have been in great health.
In any case this bitch needs to rot in a cell for a while. Her kid should be taken away from her, or at least she should be carefully supervised until she’s had some proper parental training. As it stands, it would be irresponsible of the state to entrust her with the care of an infant.

The second paragraph in that post refers to the woman who assaulted the child, of course, not the grandmother.
(Just in case there is any confusion)