Back at the beginning of the year, I got a job. And I looked at it, and saw that it was Good. It was, in fact, one of the better jobs I’ve had. And then, I moved to Montreal, leaving my Good Job behind.
I have a job now, but it’s just a job. An idea has occured to me, though. I’m now resisting the urge to make another It Was Good joke. Thank me later.
The job I had was with a company called 1-800-GOT-JUNK. Shockingly, we hauled junk. And now, I have discovered, Montreal does not have a Got Junk franchise. My brain has begun making cash register noises: I could bring the franchise here!
One of the problems of this, of course, is that the company is thus far English-speaking only. The name is in English, the catchy phone number is in English, the call centre is in English. The call centre thing I can handle. But my childlike grasp of French makes coming up with an amusing and catchy French version of the name somewhat difficult. And so it is that I turn to you sweet, caring, highly intelligent, and generously creative folks.
I need ideas from people who speak French, and speak it well. People who know the slang as I most CERTAINLY do not. I need a French version of 1-800-GOT-JUNK. Something that’ll stick in the minds of people who see it. Something they’ll remember. Something that will make them go, “I would like to pay these people to take my junk away!”.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Be they silly, or serious, or totally off the whack, you never know what’ll work. Be creative! Go wild! Keep the swearing to a minimum! Well, as much as possible. I’m not expecting miracles here.