FriarTed - you fucking hypocrite

FriarTed, you make no secret about your hard-held Christianity. To date you’ve come across as one of the less frothing-at-the-mouth bible bashers and I’ve never held it against you despite being pretty anti-religion myself. However your postin this thread takes the fucking biscuit. Whilst I don’t particularly wish to take up the banner of paedophiles (actual or theoretical) I have all the time in the world to pour scorn on hypocrites.

So, FriarTed, just to throw your own holy book at you let’s have some quotes shall we? Hope the KJV is okay.

Pretty clear to me, don’t judge people, don’t condemn people.

Want to argue that you’re without sin FriarTed? If so then by all means whale on paedophiles, if not then perhaps you’d like to follow your own scripture.

Why are you so keen to judge FriarTed? After all, isn’t that God’s job?

I could do this all day, but I think you’re catching my drift. So you’re either a sincere Christian who hasn’t read his own bible (which I find hard to believe as you’re frequently in bible related threads talking about your experience with said book) or you’re a run of the mill hypocrite who uses his religion to give himself some kind of moral high ground but is selective in which bits he chooses to follow.

Please indicate which one you see yourself as, and if you don’t like the term hypocrite then please demonstrate why you’re not given what you’ve said and what you claim to believe (all on one message board). Furthermore if you can’t then I shall start referring to you as Pharisee as that’s exactly how you’re behaving. Of course, no doubt I’ve blatantly quoted Jesus out of context and you’ll explain why a ruling from the second Ecumenical Council of Chalcedon makes it okay for Christians to do exactly what Jesus said not to, or some such. Please bear in mind I will laugh at any such attempts as even more evidence of hypocrisy.

Sincerely Illuminatiprimus

But why do you single FriarTed out?

Almost all Christians I’ve ever met are totally judgmental. Some of them even admit it. It’s one of the reasons that they’re Christian. . . so they can make pronouncements about morality and have that “absolute” sense that they’re right. Why would **FriarTed **be an exception?

I’d like to see the converse. I’d like to see a Christian who doesn’t make moral absolute statements and doesn’t make judgements based on the “rightness” of the Bible. Now that would be novel!

Indeed, but this was a particularly egregious statement in my view coming from someone who trumpets a) their religion and b) their familiarity with the bible. I guess you could replace FriarTed with every Christian alive but it was FriarTed who said what he did and I’d like to hold him to account.

Besides, calling every Christian on their hypocrisy (especially in contrast to scripture) would be a full time job and Dawkins/Hitchens do it better than I would.

Why did you leave out his clarification from that thread? Seems like a real ax to grind here, did he piss you off somehow? You’re seriously calling out someone’s Christian beliefs because he finds pedophiles to have poor mental wiring, and that he would be tempted (but probably not act on) a desire to strike a pedophile who acted on his impulses?

BTW, you don’t seem to understand the quotes you provided, if you believe the Bible commands us to tolerate all behaviors. And I can see on preview that you do indeed have an ax to grind. Carry on, have fun…

What clarification? That if they’d thought about it leave them alone but if they’d actually acted on their impulses then beat the shit out of them? Tell you what, why not just kill them because they’re vermin and I have every right to dispense justice as I see fit, paragon of virtue that I am. Tell you what, I’ll beat the paedophile to death with my bible just to show that god is on my side.

As for not understanding the quotes I provided, how are they incorrectly used? In the case of “cast the first stone” the person in question was a woman accused of adultery, a crime punishable by death by Jewish law. How is that different to someone saying they’d beat a paedophile for their crimes? Care to explain how “judge not lest ye be judged” is out of context?

I don’t for one second expect people to like everyone, but there’s a difference between finding someone reprehensible and advocating physical violence against them. It’s even less excusable when said person claims to follow a religion that espouses non-judgement, the tenet of redemption for forgiveness.

And what exactly is my axe to grind?

Why didn’t you Pit the poster who made the statement that Friar Ted agreed to?

Because Lust4Life doesn’t stand behind a veil of religiously imparted righteousness. He’s just a general dick.

Christians don’t seem to have a monopoly on that. And I don’t think that the Bible forbids us to be discerning. We need to make decisions for our own safety and the safety of our families. When the Bible says not to judge, I’ve always thought that it meant not to decide if that person is worthy of the love of God --or to think of a person as less worthy than we are of kindness and forgiveness.

He claims to be Christian, not perfect. He does strike me, most of the time, as striving towards Christlike perfection. He’s not always gonna be able to pull it off.

I do find it strange how willing people are to advocate violence from the comfort of their keyboard. That seems a bit out of character for the Friar.

You’re offering the same judgement he does. What makes you think he’s any better or different or without any more feelings than you? Don’t try to hold him to any different standard than yourself. You’re a man. He’s a man.

I know for a fact you got wood for people that judge others. Don’t let yourself be one of them.

You are pitting someone for a me-too post? Damn, this is a tough world we are living in.

Anyhow, he is not throwing the first stone, so he can go ballistic all he wants.

Judgement of hypocrisy is acceptable, and I’ll argue thus with anyone who thinks otherwise.

Again, it’s not the view I have an issue with, it’s the contradiction with someone’s identity as a Christian (which they go to lengths to let other people know about, even picking a name which demonstrates religiosity) and what they then say. I’m not well disposed to plenty of people but I don’t belong to a religion that I need to love everyone.

I hope you keep these words in mind the next time someone judges you for being a satanist or vampire, etc.

What has this got to do with the issue in this thread? Or, indeed, anything?

Neither Satanism nor Vampirism advocate tolerance for everyone, not judging anyone or turning the other cheek. It’s why I agree with them.

Ah, so this is merely a “Gotcha” against a Christian. Sounds like you’ve been waiting for this opportunity to lash out at Ted for a while. And this is the best you could find?

No one’s ever claimed Christians are perfect or are exempt from saying stupid shit sometimes. This thread strikes me as very bitter and childish.


Well you’re the one using his user name as an example. What the flying fuck has that got to do with? Could be some guy he ass fucked when he was ten for all you know.

You trying to make a point?

Illuminatiprimus The reading I’ve always taken that judge not passage is judge not lest ye be judged by the same criteria. FriarTed is only a hypocrite if he’s a pedophile.

Besides, who are you to judge FriarTed?

Judgmental hypocrite!

I’m me, I can judge if I wish. And I am.

Clearly I’m in a minority on this one, oh well. Let’s see if the good Friar has something to say about it when he’s around. And for the record I don’t actually have a specific problem with him, his post just really pissed me off.