FriarTed - you fucking hypocrite

His religion doesn’t call for non-judgement as far as I know. It’s not really hypocritical.

Good call.

But you’re flogging a dead one here.

The last thing that we need to do is to start quoting the bible back at these nutters. There’s a line in there to support any opinion you choose - let’s not start acting like the conglomeration of interesting stories has any actual moral relevance.

Someone who bases their life unequivocally on one particular religion is automatically a hypocrite. If they equivocate, then they’re just silly.

It doesn’t need pointing out, either way. That’s just rude.

This, apparently.

FriarTed has some seriously hardcore religious views. He also has an absolutely filthy sense of humour. You should PM each other, and make up.

So lack of standards is superior to imperfectly applied standards?

True, it makes him not a hypocrite. At least there is that.

I must confess I salivated when I saw the vampire excoriating the Christian thread. :wink:

What a might fine example indeed!

Let me explain a little more. Although I’m not a Christian, I attend a church with thousands of other people in that one church. I’ve attended several other churches, large and small, as well. I’ve been in dozens of Bible studies and church groups. I’m very upfront that I’m a non-believer when I interact with people, and many of these Christians are friends of mine.

I’ve noticed that one of the things that attracts people to Christianity is that they have a belief in something that can’t be contradicted. And they don’t question this thing. And they make their pronouncements about things from this mindset. Even when they’re against the mainstream of Christian thought, they still use this right/wrong paradigm in their arguments. Now that’s a pretty big generalization, but I haven’t seen much contradiction for it. And it’s also why I said it would be novel if I did.

I’m not necessarily lumping FriarTed’s post in with this, since it was jerkish. . .for anyone. But I’ve heard a person who was leading a class say that they hate child molesters in a class about interpreting the Bible. He seemed to realize that it contradicted his teaching but felt he couldn’t do anything about it.

On preview: Petrobey Mavromihalis, I didn’t realize that it was rude to point out the obvious. It didn’t even occur to me. Christians don’t seem to have this same standard applied to them.

Your overgeneralizations are offensive. I doubt you’re open to correction, so I just wanted to point it out for the benefit of the class. Please be somewhat restrained in making sweeping comments about a social group that encompasses about a third of the world’s population.

I was joking a little, but it’s rude because it’s pointless. It just antagonises and gets us nowhere.

And you are right to say that religious people don’t meet up to this standard.

Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t.

Well I for one think you’re an all right guy. If I thought you were a dick I wouldn’t have said anything at all.

This may sound weird, but try to think about me the next time you see someone who you would want to judge. I think about you when I see somebody dressed in “goth”. It helps me a lot.

I am with you. I am an atheist and I have a hard time imagining a time when I would want to hit someone. I certainly would not applaud it in others. I am anti war ,anti capital punishment and hate violence. These are supposed to be Christian values. They are my atheistic values ,though. If you have the balls to preach it, you better live it.Religious hypocrites like Bush, are everywhere. They devalue the trade name.

To whom? Are you the arbiter of what’s offensive to everyone? If you’re only speaking for yourself, I’ll take that as more of a reflection of you than anything else.

How would you know? You haven’t even tried.

I don’t even know what correction you mean. Do you mean about being offensive to Christians? I get along every day with conservative Christians. I don’t think I need lessons on that.

Do you mean making overgeneralizations? I said it was a generalization, not an overgeneralization. I also noted that I’d be surprised to see an exception. If you can provide one, please do so. I’d be happy to get some correction on that.

What class are you teaching? Do you thing that you’re teaching the SDMB something?

I am.

So you’re saying that people like Telcontar can come in and say something really offensive and I just have to not antagonize him even if what he’s saying is really untrue.

Is this some kind of noblesse oblige where everyone KNOWS that Christians are hypocritical but we just don’t say anything out of politeness? When did politeness start trumping truth on the Dope. . .in the Pit?

I’m saying turn the other cheek.

It really pisses them off.

I think it’s just an example of “muscular” Christianity.

When I read that comment by FriarTed, my reaction was along the lines of “Whoa. Dude. Such hostility. That’s not very Christian, is it?” FriarTed, Christianity’s about grace and forgiveness and reconciliation, not about bashing someone’s head in, isn’t it?

To give him the benefit of the doubt, maybe he was just expressing the same sort of righteous anger Jesus did when he said

Still, Jesus never said that we ourselves ought to do any bashing or drowning.

You know that is not actually advocating drowning people right? I mean it is possible that someone somewhere takes it that way, but it’d be a very nonstandard interpretation.

Right. I thought that was what I said.

I didn’t say he wasn’t being judgemental, because he said himself that he was. I just wanted to correct the hypocrite bit since it doesn’t apply here.

I am such a Christian, as are many people I know. And, based on your level of closed mindedness and your willingness to paint such a large and diverse group of people with the same brush, I have no desire to see you. You are ignorant, and the sooner you realize it the better. I do not make broad statements about atheists, gays, blacks, jews etc etc. I imagine you would take offense if I did. Given that, you should understand why I take offense at your conduct.

I stand by my initial assessment of you.

So the good Friar has responded to a frivolous comment to express what he would like to do to a paedophile. Not that he would actually do it himself. Or that he really meant it should be done by someone else. After all, we are talking about a hypothetical situation.

He doesn’t like paedophiles. That doesn’t mean he’s judging them. When a bully bashes some kid’s head in its not because the bully has judged the kid as deserving it.

You’ve implied judgement because that’s exactly how you feel about paedophiles. I’m willing to suggest that had you both believed in Jesus and heaven and the lake of fire that Friar Ted is hoping the paedophile gets into heaven while you, I suspect, would hope he burns forever.

That was kind of my point.

As for this notion that we shouldn’t point out the glaring contradictions between what Christians say and what they do - I say a hearty FUCK THAT. Hypocrisy is hypocrisy, no matter what it comes from, and (AGAIN) it’s made even more heinous when it’s delivered in a shroud of self-righteousness. I guess we should all roll over and let the religious right do what it wants, no matter how bigoted and quasi-fascist, because it’s in their nature. Bugger that for a game of soldiers, I’d far rather invite them to stick their bibles (gilt edges and all) firmly up their backsides and go back to the dark ages where they came from.