Here it is almost Easter… the holiday where we celebrate the discovery of eggs and jelly beans. The supermarket has 10 times as many eggs as normal, and they even have a big sign “Fresh Eggs”.
The thing is, I want to make deviled eggs, and I don’t want fresh eggs. I want them a little bit aged… not on the verge of spoiling, but not fresh from the chicken’s egg hole either. But, NO… all I could get were ones that were fresh… really fresh. Sure, I should have planned ahead and bought my eggs a week or two ago, but I just decided today I wanted these, and I want them tonight dang it!
So, here I am with a dozen hard boiled fresh eggs. I just tried to peel them, and now I have a dozen hard boiled eggs that look like they were peeled with a weed wacker.
I championed ahead and made them into the ugliest deviled eggs anyone has ever seen. I guess I’ve now got an excuse to eat each and every one of them before anyone else from my family gets home I made them about 10 minutes ago, and I’ve already sacrificed and eaten 4 so far.