Is it worth the trouble to make deviled eggs?

Tomorrow, I’m making pork bbq and potato salad for dinner. They should last me several days.

I’m thinking about also making deviled eggs to go along with it. They’re really good, but the problem is that they won’t keep for more than a day or so. Doing the bbq and potato salad is a bit of work, but not a whole lot, and I only have to do it once. But if I want deviled eggs to go along with it, I’ll have to do a fairly intensive task at least every two days (so three times, since I usually get six dinners’ worth out of the bbq).

Is it worth it?

I’ve not ever had the problem of leftover deviled eggs.

Of those three things you’re preparing, they are easily the simplest. And if you do have leftover deviled eggs, I would just roughly chop them up and combine with the potato salad. That’s good eatin’.

Hard-boiled eggs will keep for a week. Why not just hard boil the eggs and prepare exactly as many deviled eggs as you are going to eat that sitting.

What exactly do you find difficult about preparing deviled eggs?

What they said. They’ll last in the fridge for a week, you can make as many as you want for any given sub-week time period, and they’re very easy to make. Much easier than potato salad or BBQ pork.

Try stuffing them with baby shrimp and grated horseradish.

They are required at funerals. It’s the law.

I like everything that goes into deviled eggs, but I do not think the end result is any better than a well peppered and tony’ed hard boiled egg. So No, not worth it.

If Mrs. L.A. ever goes on another medical mission, I may buy a dozen eggs and make 24 deviled eggs. They won’t last the day.

Off to Cafe Society

Here in NorCal, aka Foodie Heaven, deviled eggs are all the rage. Every upscale restaurant worth its salt has DEs on the menu somewhere. Artesinal Deviled Eggs, mind you, not just the old kind with paprika sprinkled on mashed up yolks.

Around here, these foods get eaten long before these considerations come into play. But if you must have leftover deviled eggs, I second the suggestion that you make extra hard-boiled eggs, and devil them as you need them.

Absolutely. Deviled eggs are easy to make, taste delicious, and keep well, if there are any left over, which I have never had happen. There usually aren’t enough, no matter how many I make. You can make near infinite variations on the theme, and they will all be good.

I also make them to take on road trips. Pack them in bento boxes, and they stay cold enough in the cooler. If I have time, I’ll eat them at a rest stop in a civilized manner, but I can also eat them as I drive, if I have to make time.

I think I’ll make some tomorrow.

Please, for the sake of all that’s good in the world: no pickle relish. :: puking smilie ::

I haven’t made them in ages, but they are awesome with a bit of mustard powder or Dijon mustard mixed in. Damn, now I want some deviled eggs!

Why not just add chopped hard-boiled eggs to your potato salad? That way you get a little deviled egg in every forkful.

I love deviled eggs, but don’t bother except for special occasions. Like when I’m craving a deviled egg.

Agreed, if you’re talking about sweet pickle relish. But a little chopped kosher garlic dill pickle is nice once in a while.

I heartily endorse the previous two posts.

Agree with this, too. Why dirty a bowl making egg salad when you can prepare a sliced-egg sandwich with plenty of mayonnaise, salt and pepper? And you can add lettuce and/or sliced tomato without worrying that everything will goosh out the sides.

I don’t get what’s hard about making them. I always volunteer to bring them to potlucks and picnics (because they’re easy!), and no matter how many I bring, there are never any left over.

Steam your eggs, peel easily, halve, dump the yolks into a bowl, crush and mix in some mayonnaise, your favorite mustard, a bit of dill pickle juice to taste, re-stuff with yolk mixture, sprinkle with paprika – smoked or otherwise – and Bob’s yer uncle. Nobody gives a rip whether you pipe them or just spoon the mixture back into the white halves. I can do a couple of dozen in about half an hour, not counting steaming time.

Also agree with those who said if you’re going to make them over multiple days, just store the hard cooked eggs until you’re ready to devil the yolks and stuff. Otherwise they can weep a little and that makes them less appetizing.

Master this! You’ll be glad you did!

Does “left over deviled eggs” even return any hits on Google? They are always the first thing gone, even before the buffalo chicken dip and the artichoke-spinach dip. Properly made ones, that is: no added sweetness.

Just occurred to me that the OP only has one hand. Maybe some aspect of making them is hard for him… :stuck_out_tongue:

A friend of mine and his whole family called them “Doubledays” and have done so for 20+ years I’ve known them without once cracking a smile.