Exercise is the key. Nothing will help you forget mental trouble like being tired. That said, go to your library and get books on tape. This is great. All those books you wanted to read but never got around to. Well a lot are on tape or CD now and they’re free from your library.
Go to the Archive (dot) Org and download OTR. Old Time Radio. You can laugh with Gracie Allen and George Burns (and you WILL laugh) or Jack Benny. Listen to the drama or the country folk “Lum and Abner” or hear old time mysery shows and detective novel acted out on stage.
And they’re public domain so it’s free. You can find old newscasts of WWII and listen to history AS it was happening.
Then you get these tapes and walk. Listen to them in the park, on your daily walks, wherever you go. You will get lost in them and you can get out of the house more easy, 'cause you won’t be so nervous about leaving.
First book on tape to get “How To Stop Worrying and Start Living” by Dale Carnagie. It’s an old one but still valid.
And get Gracie Allen’s take on it. She reads the chapter about recongizing the worst in life, and decides to fire people so they won’t have to worry about “the worst,” because it’s already happened. Truly funny stuff.
And there are even lectures at the Archive (dot) Org by famous university professors on things like String Theory and Prions.
The thing is goals are measured in steps not leaps and YOU WILL find yourself going back sometimes. But so what? Everyone does. Don’t let the setbacks convince you it can’t be done.
Remember just because nothing good happened to you today doesn’t mean it can’t happen tommorow.
Also check out veterans groups for volunteer work. Nothing like seeing a bunch of young kids from Iraq that are now paralyzed to make you realize you got nothing to feel bad about.
It’s summer it’s a great time to get out in the world. Remember this is it. 50 years from now we’re all gonna be dead and no one’s gonna remember we ever existed much less the problems anyone on this board has today. So you can’t let the gloom overwhelm you.
Life isn’t what you make it, you take what life gives you and make the best out of it. Sometimes you can’t make much, if anything. But that’s OK, but even if you can’t make anything from it is no excuse not to at least try.
Good luck.