Fuck the Italian EMT who stole James Gandolfinis watch as he lay dying

A quick fuck you to the Italian EMT who stole James Gandolfinis Rolex as he lay dying in a hotel room in Rome. Hope someone whacks him.

Ironic that the guys last name is Bevelaqua. :smiley:

Ironic when one recalls Paulie stealing Big Puss’s watch after they whacked him on the boat.

Good call. I just finished rewatching the series. Christopher tells Tony more than once to watch his weight or he will die at 50 of a…heart attack. :frowning:

Gandolfini was a genius and left us lots of great work.

If these are still unclear, then should resist naming suspects until they ARE clear.

The OP might also wish to refrain from wishing a murder on another for simple theft, too, even if it is finally proven that the EMT in question stole the watch.

Why? It would complete the ironic circle of events.

Someone please explain?

Welcome to Italian law enforcement. See: Amanda Knox.

That’s the same last name of a character on the Sopranos who gets wacked.

He is actually on trial.

Tante grazie.

Bevelaqua pulled a Rudy Diaz?

It’s not like he actually needs a watch when he’s dead, though, is it?

Not only that, the actor that played him became involved in burglarizing houses and went to jail for second degree murder because his accomplice killed an off-duty police officer when he interrupted them.

Easy, Monty. Gandolphini was most famous for playing a mob boss. “Whack” is fucking fair game, paisan.

This reminds me of an old Victor Borge joke. He’d hold up a watch and say very sincerely, “My grandfather gave me this watch on his deathbed…(pause) for 20 bucks.”

E 'solo un assaggio di rispetto.

Being put on trial for a crime in Italy is not exactly devastating proof of guilt.