Fuck These Sensitive Peace-Lovers, Fuck Them

Not only do they have the gall and social irresponsibilty to block traffic and chain themselves together in human links for the purpose of being “idealistic”, they have the nerve to fuck up my customer service…

I was in a local bar last night (in fact, the same bar where that employee death occured during a meet of Dopers from D.C. and Baltimore) drinking a beer and watching coverage of the preliminary attacks on Iraq. The bartender in attendance was a very cute girl in her mid 20’s with that wholesome “earth mother” look about her. She’s served me many times before, and we’ve talked quite a bit about trivial matters.

So I asked her what she thought of current events, specifically the war.

“Horrible,” she said. “Utterly horrible. I’ve been upset all day, very depressed and anxious.”

I told her that I was no fan of this war myself, but I thought that perhaps her reaction was a bit much. “Do you have a relative or a friend serving in the forces over there?” I asked.

“Oh no,” she said. “I don’t know anyone in the military. I just think that war is inhumane and terrible and NEVER justified.”

I was about to relate my opinion on her beliefs, which is that she only enjoyed her current standard of living and ability to speak her misguided views because of the blood shed in the past by Americans, but she scurried off down the line to wait on someone.

I continued drinking my beer. Soon, the glass was empty.

I looked down the line. She was at the end of the bar, talking to a group of customers sitting at the bar. Her hands flew wildly and she appeared to be extremely distressed and upset. The customers appeared to be agreeing with whatever she was saying, for there was much head nodding and hand gestures.
I waved my hand at her, then pointed to my beer glass. She either didn’t notice or pretended not to notice, because she just went on blathering, frequently pointing to the TV as she did so.

I caught a fragment of one sentence. “All the money they’re spending just to kill people, could put GOD KNOWS how many ARTISTS through ART SCHOOL and give them support, and—”

Well, God forbid an artist should have to work just like the rest of us, I thought.

I pointed to my beer glass again. No reaction. She just went on and on and on.

I got up and walked down to where the group was. “Excuse me, can I get a beer down there?” I politely interjected.

“Yes, oh sure, I’ll be right down,” she said apologetically, then went right back into her whiny monologue. I went back down to my stool and waited, waited, waited.

Ten minutes later, she was still going on and on in her utter dismay and horror of humanity, and I was still setting there with NO beer in front of me. THEN another employee, presumably the manager, showed up behind the bar. I figured that this manager would give this girl a good kick in the ass and tell her to get back to work. Well, fuck no. She just jumped right into the conversation, apparently agreeing as well.

Another ten minutes passed. My blood pressure was pretty tight by this point.

FINALLY the group of customers left. The bartender appeared to be composing herself for a moment, then glanced down to where I sat, staring right back at her. Quickly she rushed down to me, grabbed my glass, and began to pour----

“Nah, no beer,” I replied stonily. “Just the check.”

“Oh,” she said. “Sorry, I was down there.”

“Oh, I fucking noticed,” I replied.

The check came to 6.70. I left exactly seven dollars, and was thinking even that 30 cent tip was overgenerous.

NOW, the point is…we’ve all got our social and political views, along with general convictions about humanity and its supposed function…that’s what we have brains for, to think with. I actually do not have any support for this war.

But when you can’t even do YOUR GODDAMN JOB because you’re so supposedly upset over something that has a minor effect on your life (no relatives or friends at risk, and as for worries about terrorism attacks, she didn’t seem to mention that in her diatribe)
then you are really fucking up as a human being and has a productive member of society. And I mean REALLY fucking up.

I used to like this girl. She seemed interesting.

But last night she revealed her true colors: another processed and mindless member of the Hip Leftist Culture, espousing vegatarianism, disarmarment, and Third World debt forgiveness simply because it’s the goddamn cool thing to say right now…I say now that these radical peace-nik leftist types are just as moronic in their blind adoption of “ideals” as the most deranged right-wing militia camped out in the backwoods and screaming about the federal government are.

And what really sucks is that these idiots make the rest of us no-war people look bad. I’m opposed to the war, but I’m not a goddamn unthinking irrational fanatic about it.

So I have one thing to say to peace-niks:

Stop blocking traffic and throwing fake blood on yourself and get a goddamn life.

Awww… Whiny Whinerton had to wait for his bottle.

Great post, I wholeheartedly agree with you. I find myself feeling roughly the same about the war, somewhat against the war but utterly embarassed by the oversimplistic arguments of most anti-war people. And you’re right, alot of them are just cookie-cutter leftists. The anti-war protest on the MU campus today actually had a guy holding a sign that said “bomb SUVs, not children”. Just couldn’t resist inserting a little leftist SUV-hate into a war protest, eh? Idiot. The leftist protesters’ behaviour is what makes it painful for us libertarians who are against the war to admit it. Just because I’m against the invasion of a soveriegn nation doesn’t mean I hate SUVs, get it? They’re totally frickin’ unrelated, except in the mind of radical leftist “social justice” types who lump every frickin’ wacko leftist cause together into a mishmash of no discernable coherence.

I don’t know who was worse, that guy or the guy with the sign that just said “Fuck War”. I’m sure the parents who brought their kids onto the campus for the protest really appreciated that well-formulated sentiment. What an eloquent statement of your principles and their underlying reasoning. “Fuck War”. Man, if this guy could put down the marijuana joint for a few weeks I bet he could get a job writing slogans somewhere.

And having held a few jobs where I had to help customers, in food service and elsewhere, I never let my politics or religion or anything else get in the way of my job. If my coworkers expressed their Christian beliefs, I went out of my way to hide my athiest beliefs. And if a customer expressed any view, no matter what it was, I either just nodded agreement or just went along with what they were saying. And I understand a bar is a little different, the bartender is expected to converse with the patrons, but you don’t let one group of patrons monopolize your time. Stupid and rude.

Fuck War. A new reality show, coming ( :wink: ) soon to a TV near you.

Over 20 minutes for a freakin beer I’d be doing more than whine, I’d cry too (to the manager)…

Maybe it’s just a direct result of being a pragmatic atheist right-wing cynic with an axe to grind, but I have to concur.

All these protesters… don’t these people have to work?..

Personally, I am opposed to the unilateral action, but an empty beer glass seems like a far more pressing problem, given that you were in a bar at the time…

When a protestor blocks traffic by standing in the middle of the road, and you hit them with your car, why is it that you are culpable? They were the ones jaywalking…


Hey man. I’m a artist (went to ART SCHOOL) who is also vegetarian. I even had purple hair for a while! :slight_smile: But if I were your waitress, I’d make sure you got your beer on time.

So I don’t know what this woman’s vegetarianism has to do with anything. I’d like to point out that if she’s nagging you or other people about it, that’s annoying, sure. (I make a point of not nagging people about vegetarianism.) But what does this woman’s eating philosophy have to do with the war, or her lack of ability to give you a beer?

Other than that, I know what you are saying. She’s on the job, she needs to do her job. She can be dismayed and distressed by the war and still get you your beer.

Lemme guess. FOX?

I may be mistaken, but I believe that pedestrians always have the right-of-way – even when they are jay-walking. So if you can stop, you have to.

Keith, I hate my service and she made a lousy bartender. But there is no way that you can know how this war will affect her. Why the stereotyping? Was it because of the poor service or because she disagreed with you?

I meant to say, “I hate bad service.” I wasn’t your bartender…honest!

Not the eating habits per se but the “trend” mentality of such that a few veggie-people are attracted to. I have personally spoken with “vegetarians” who admitted being such simply because your boyfriend/girlfriend was a vegetarian or because “all their friends at school were”.

Goes back to the ancient question, “If everyone else were jumping off a cliff, does that mean you would too?”

Plus vegetarianism sometimes takes on a obnoxious political/social stance that is unbearable, that sort of nagging I guess you’re referring to. You hear this more from the hardcore “vegan” types, but sometimes you hear it from plain jane vegetarians, too. I fail to see how a dietary habit can be a platform for cultural change, but that’s America for ya.

Well, um, I completely disagree with you.

We all deal with world issues, personal tragedy and other issues differently. So why would you fault her for feeling so passionate about something she apparently torn about?

What about you, yes you, stopping for a minute and think, “I understand this is a hard time for all. Granted this war isn’t happening here on our soil but some may be truly concerned about what this means to us and others in the future.”

Not all of us are able to deal with world issues like this in the same cavalier manner you have. In this time, it’s much more humane to give her the benefit of the doubt. I am sure she will never read this but I still find that your attitude is not caring enough. There are a lot of people that look upon any war, including this war, with a sense of dread. While I don’t look at this with a sense of dread, I can imagine that the bar tender is sad, very sad and honestly, there’s nothing wrong with that.

I think it’s that time to stop and think before complaining about other people’s actions. This is an uncertain world at the moment and everyone, EVERYONE, is going to react differently.

Have a heart and give her the benefit of the doubt. You don’t know her inner strength, you don’t know her home life, you don’t know much from what you say about her and she may be like many that need to express her feelings in order to not sink into a deep depression.

Life aint black and white. Give the woman a break for fuck’s sake. This is not a time to be bitching about people that are dealing with this war in a hard light…If you can’t give that much then I see you as a heartless soul.

But that’s just my opinion.

Obviously you have never had to wait on a beer when you have a good semi-buzz going onTC.

BTW, your beer is less important than her ablity to vocalize her concerns to apparently those that are friends, in my view. This is the first day of the war and I don’t expect that every place I go will be filled with “May I help you Ma’am” or anything like that.

Hell a “Hi” is all I expect and I don’t even expect that.

This aint the time to expect much of anything until the war is finalized.

Ummm, well yeah, been there, done that and it’s not fun but it’s not worthy of a fucking Pit thread. :rolleyes:

Hell, I have been there more times than I care to count but I never wrote a thread about it.

Well, at least it’s a decent alternative to the “Fuck Bush/Cheney/Ashcroft/War/Republicans” threads that have been dominating lately.
And FTR, beer is always more important.

Sorry, no.

Cavalier? No. This war and its potential consequences worry me just like everyone else.

It’s possible that her distressed state was real and not just a result of her hopelessly naive and idealistic views. “War is never justified?” Okay, so we should never have fought Hitler? We shouldn’t have gone after the Taliban after the 9/11 attack? Very interesting opinion, indeed. I’m appalled that a so-called educated person would utter such a simplistic statement.

All sympathies to the people unwilling to see that history has frequently been a murderous power struggle and that standard-of-living and freedom are almost always purchased with blood. This shit is really nothing new, folks.

At my job, if I held up work for 20 minutes while I cried about how unfair war is, I would be sent home immediately and told to come back when I was ready to work. Simple as that, and her manager should have sent her home if she was so upset.

It’s not the beer that bothers me. (I had beer at home, and drank them when I returned) It’s the lack of professionalism and display of pathos that bugged me. This is a GROWN woman we’re talking about here.

Maybe you think it’s okay to act like a fucking crybaby when you’re supposed to be working. I disagree.

And had she been ignoring you to talk to talk to her friends about how we should nuke Iraq back to the stone age, that would have changed your beerlessness exactly how?

Her politics are one thing. Her lousy bartending is another. Make up your mind what you want to rant about.

IMHO, both her crappy service and her trendy liberalism were pit-worthy.