Fuck you May 23, 2001

Today has sucked beyond all comprehension. Every possible bad/irritating/annoying/unpleasant thing that could possibly happen at work today, did. And my life outside of work wasn’t good either. What even made it worse is tha that a single nice thing happened too, which threw the bad parts (IE the rest of it) into even sharper contrast. The only thing I can think of to say about May 23, 2001 is that May 23, 2001 will never happen again.

It was like God said “Short of getting Fenris fired, how can I make his life BAD today?” and then proceeded to go down a checklist of torture-points, making sure we hit most of 'em.

I’m tired. I’m stressed. And I tried to turn this into a funny rant but I couldn’t think of anything funny to say.

I can’t even go into details right now and make it a rant worth reading.

[sub]aarghhhgh[/sub] I’m goin’ to bed. Tomorrow will be a better day, simply because the alternative is too annoying to contemplate.

::slinks off to bed::


I suppose giving this rant a rating of .5 isn’t going to help you much, huh?


I guess you never saw Groundhog Day with Bill Murray.

You could wake up tomorrow and it could be today again.

Ooo… Scylla. That was just mean.


Aw, that really sucks Fenris, I guess most of us have a few days a year like that where the shit hits the fan left and right.

Go blow a goat Cnote.

Stop tensing your sphincter Silo, it makes your lips pucker.

I meant my post like Scylla meant his/hers. If I meant to rip on Fenris, you would have known it. I didn’t.

Bah, it was a 2 second interpretation. I still think you’re a fucknut anyway. :smiley:

I know what happened to him… he saw a picture of Roseanne naked…

Fen, you have my utmost of sympathies. Far too many days have passed by which I just wanted to die at the end of 'em.

Ok, Fenris, We’re on the way to help. You remember, I have friends in [sub]low[/sub] places, whadddya need? Ya need some head bashing? meanacing looks?

Poor guy - here you were soooo nice to not hijack my GD baby into gun territory (I thought about that, ya know…) and even when you’re having a day like that.

Well, it’s tomorrow anyhow, here’s hoping it’s better. Ya shoulda called me, sweets, I’d have sent chicken soup/ guido/whatever wouldda helped.


the 23rd of May is also the Aniversary of Owen Hart’s and Bob Marley’s tragic passings in 1999 and 1981 respectively.

it’s also the anniversary of the Battle of Port Hudson, 1863

and anniversary of a public letter to RM Nixon re: the Tiao Yu Tai islands

and anniversary of an important election in Kasmir

and merely one year after the Maryland police shut down an illegal furniture sale :eek:

Face it, that date just has bad karma all over it.

Not to mention that my little brother turned 32, thereby making me feel even older…

You’re right Fenris. May 23rd did suck. But if May 22 2001 ever has the nerve to show her fucking face again, I’ll give the bitch an ass-whooping she’ll never forget.

I think it’s just the whole week leading up to Memorial Day. It seems interminable. What’s the deal there, Big Kahuna? Makin’ us earn that three-day weekend?

Not the Tiao Yu Tai ISLANDS!



Damn you, Coordinators for the Tiao Yu Td Open Letters! DAMN YOUR EYES!