Fuck you, you stupid bitch

So I’m standing outside my car in the Target parking lot, getting ready to get my daughter out of the backseat. I put my cigarette out on the pavement (God forbid!) and some fucking bitch behind me sighs loudly and mumbles something about the world being my ashtray. I tell her to Fuck Off just as I see her getting into her monster sized SUV. Wtf? I am an asshole for putting my cig out on the pavement, but she can waste 50 gallons of gas a week to drive this tank around? Fuck that.

I don’t make comments about everything I disapprove of in life, because I have a very basic respect for other people. I could have commented on the enormity of her ass, or the fact that she was wearing a hairstyle from 1986, but I didn’t because it’s none of my business. Yes, I have a problem with her enormous vehicle, but I’m not going to mutter under my breath about it. Fuck her and her judgmental attitude. How dare she act superior to me with her fucking SUV and blah blah blah. She’s lucky I did have my child with me or I might have taken the butt and put it out on her ugly fucking face. Yes, I smoke, but at least my ass isn’t as big as all outdoors. My little car uses NO gas in comparison to that fucking Expedition she was driving. What a fucking hypocrite. /rant

So the fact that she drives an SUV makes it okay for you to litter?

Please tell me I’m being whooshed.

Okay, a clarification on my last snarky post:

Yes, it was slightly rude of her to make a comment about your putting your cigarette out on the pavement. But you were, in fact, littering. One cigarette butt in the cosmic scheme of things ain’t a big deal, but it chaps my ass when I see people leaving their detritus all over the place. I try to pick up after myself and believe people should do the sam.

And you ain’t going to get any love around here if you’re gonna make comments about the size of the woman’s ass, either. That’s both rude and immaterial.

So you did something illegal, littering, and she did not, as much as some people want driving an SUV to be illegal it isn’t, she calls you on it and you get bitchy about it?

Apparently I did too good a job of picking up after myself – I picked up an extra ‘e’ from my last post.

Le sigh.

Lame rant. If you care so much about her SUV, find a damn ashtray. You are the hypocrite.

You’re throwing your garbage on the ground, and you have the nerve to criticize someone who calls you on it?

I’m beginning to think you’re a real asshole.

Shop at Wal*Mart. No one would have batten an eye.

I’m saying that I don’t see how she has the right to get shitty with me when what she is doing is just as bad or worse. I don’t comment on her polluting, so fuck her. And, I did tell her to fuck off and I also told her to mind her own fucking business and get her fat ass back in her car.

And, green bean, I don’t give a fuck if you think I’m an asshole. Maybe I am, but I don’t go around trying to police parking lots and mumbling under my breath about the habits of others.

Isn’t it bad for a child’s health to smoke in an enclosed space with them?

If you smoked the entire cigarette standing outside the car, ignore my question.

First cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.

Who said that again?

I don’t make comments about everything I disapprove of in life, because I have a very basic respect for other people. I could have commented on the enormity of her ass, or the fact that she was wearing a hairstyle from 1986, but I didn’t because it’s none of my business. Yes, I have a problem with her enormous vehicle, but I’m not going to mutter under my breath about it.

Nope, instead you’re going to post to the entire world. MUCH more subtle than muttering under your breath. And I would observe that your respect for other people obviously stops short of those who don’t actually like looking at cigarette butts.

See, I think you missed the subtext here. The muttering under your breath loud enough so that the offender can hear is a nearly universally adopted stratagem used when someone is being publically obnoxious but when you don’t want to risk the possibility of a confrontation by publically calling them on their behavior.

This is mutually beneficial to both parties – the mutterer doesn’t get beat up, and the person hearing the mutter gets informed in a non-confrontational manner that they are behaving in a manner that has been abandoned by the civilized world.

Wow - you said this in front of your child?

That’s really, really nice.

Oh - and pick up your God damn cigarette butts - I drive a compact and I think they’re disgusting too.

Driving an SUV is legal. Throwing your garbage on the ground is not.

I hate that people think it is fine to throw cigarette butts anywhere they want. You probably walked right past an ashtray at the store entrance. If not your car has an ashtray. Use it. Your cigarette butts are disgusting and people don’t want to see them all over the ground.

Yeah, well, maybe I should have included everything that happened up to the bitch incident to show that I was already in a horrible fucking mood and that I had been fucked with enough already yesterday.

I don’t usually throw my cig butt down, but I did do it yesterday. In the grand scheme of things going on, not such a major issue. Next time I’ll write my life story before daring to complain about rude bitches in Target parking lots. I guess the rant should have been, “Think before muttering under your breath to the woman who is on the verge of mental collapse, it could mean that you get a cigarette put out on your face.” /bitching.

I’m actually only seeing one rude bitch in this story.

Three guesses. And it’s not the other woman.

I’m confused - who is the stupid bitch?

Neuroman - it’s not the woman with the big butt.

Well, like I said, I should have posted the whole day’s worth of events, but nevermind. I’m glad no one on here ever gets frustrated about anything, it must be nice.