Fun ensues - Possibly NSFW.

So, the husband is back to work, I finish up my housework early, I’ve already baked enough goods for an army, I sit down at my laptop… and I’m bored. What to do when bored?

Google “penis ensues”! Fun for the whole family!

I don’t click on all the links, but sometimes all I need for a pick-me-up is the few lines in the description. I get such interesting phrases, such as:

Logan’s penis awakens and does a double take on that one. Interest ensues

measure of tumescence in which the patient’s penis is placed in a sealed … - In a sealed what? :eek:

*Conversation shifts to penis size. Apparently, all men at table have taken a ruler … Uncomfortable silence ensues. I decide they are all filthy liars. *

and of course hear about Penis Blogging Week - how did I miss that? And why doesn’t Google have an interesting picture for their design during Penis Blogging Week so I would know these things?

the key to intellectual superiority was eating a penis & going to a ghetto. … Also, does the type of penis matter? - blink

*He becomes she, she becomes he, marriage survives, riot ensues Penis-numbing condoms are major success Hubby refuses sex, wife bites him to death * - this would be the best. news story. ever.

  • I let out the fact that on its spare time, my penis terrorizes Tokyo. … Uncomfortable silence ensues.*

Jesus had a penis… Jesus only had a penis for he was born like all of us as a human being (as a man)…the guy needed … Wow the chaos that ensues

*penis envy In psychoanalytic theory, the wish for a penis that normally ensues in females * - a penis normally ensues in females?

“Hilarity ensues”? Is that a comment on the size of his manhood? … a more traumatic experience than a man dropping his pants and showing me his penis - “Traumatic”?? I suppose.

Many pages later:

*An average penis of length 13cm traveling at 99% the speed of light will… * - Will what? And for heaven’s sake, how?

I stand next to the bed, and a quick mental debate ensues. … And my penis looks short and stubby. Like a shaved hamster in a pink polo-neck.
And then there was this, which, though fake, had me wiping tears away.

I love your penis ensues joke. I will never let you live it down, I hope you know.

Hee! That’s fine. After the initial embarrassment and humiliation, I swallowed my pride and figured I’d just roll with it. In the end, it’s just fun. And it was, admittedly, pretty flattering to find that it was adopted as a Doperism, even though it was a mistake. We’d all love to be remembered for something more poignant, more intelligent, more witty, or clever. But the reality is, you get what you get. And for me, penis ensues. :cool:

See, I saw the title. And the fact that there were 2 replies. I was all ready to make a penis ensues joke.

And the whole damn OP is a big penis ensues joke.

When you saw that it was started by the “penis ensues” mistress, you should have turned away. :stuck_out_tongue: