Fundraiser for Vickie, AKA Equipoise (posted with permission)[Update - 30-DEC-2023 Vickie has passed]

Thanks again to everyone who contributed and sent along encouraging messages. As Maserschmidt posted, the gofundfundme reached its goal and Chris and Vickie went on their vacation. Vickie started a Facebook page which was originally private for people who helped fund her trip but she recently made it public so anyone who wants to read about her adventure and see photos can check it out.

Chris posted recently that Vickie’s cancer has progressed and is entering the final stages. She plans to see as many movies as possible. I know that Vickie is not religious but if anyone wants to send her “good vibes” it couldn’t hurt.

Thanks for keeping us updated.

I was saddened to hear this morning that Vickie has passed. Her husband Chris cared for her right up until the end, playing Happy’s music for her. She is also survived by her son and a brother. My thoughts are with them. It’s especially hard to lose someone around the holidays.

Thank you to everyone who donated to make their trip possible. I am glad they got to have such a wonderful adventure together.

Here is a link to one of my favorite Happy Rhodes songs, it’s a beautiful acoustic cover of Ashes to Ashes by David Bowie. If you have a few moments please give it a listen.

I’m very sorry to read this. She was cool.

RIP Vickie. It was a pleasure to have interacted with you

So sad. She’ll be missed here. I’m glad and grateful she was able to take her vacation.

One of the long-standing OG dopers, in my mind. May she Rest In Peace.

Sad news. I visited her once in her home in Chicago, around 30 years ago (!). A delightful person. She will be missed.

I first encountered Vickie on the Kate Bush newsgroup,, back in 1996, and I joined The Straight Dope together with her in 1999 (starting out on AOL before this website was created!). She introduced me to the music of Happy Rhodes, and to anyone who hasn’t yet treated their ears to her music, head on over to YouTube right now, where you will find that Vickie posted all of her songs there! Between those videos and her posts here on SD, her legacy will go on!

Sad news to hear, no matter how long warned about. One of those members of this little community who will be really missed. Peace to all who were close to her.