funny user names

I giggle every time I see gatopescado.

But not because of the actual name.
For some reason I always read it as gatoescapado which would translate as escaped cat instead of catfish.
And that sends the tune of “Band on the Run” through my head with the lyrics “Cat on the Run”.

But I’m sure that I’m the only one that happens to.:smiley:

My favorite is Don’t poke the bear, Dad!

I’m too new to the board to make an offering but those are some good ones!


I like the especially typographic Deep Fried.

There are quite a few names that make me smile and even laugh whenever I see them.

Hugh Jass
Skid Marx
Ellis Dee

There are many others whose punning or double entendre has been quite clever, and I always think I could have been more creative with my own nick if I had tried.

There’s nothing funny in it, but a name I really enjoy seeing is Shadiroxan.

Of course, those already mentioned are fine as well. And I’ll think of 20 more as soon as I hit submit.

That’s who I was thinking of.


I like you with the face myself.

I laughed when I first saw tanookie because I played a lot of Super Mario 3.

What about 1920s Style Death Ray?

Atomic Badger Racing

LEt’s not get started on that again. :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually, it was explained that the name was supposed to be bowlofcreamcheese, but that name would have been too long, so the first letter was dropped.

I think Dewey Cheatem Undhow is a pretty funny name myself.


Or the name Owlstretchingtime.

I think Diogenes the Cynic is damn funny.

UncleBeer is my favorite by far.

In another zone I knew a guy with the name: NudeMoose. And then there was PlopSac. Finally, XtheGimpX from Pulp Fiction fame.

I forgot Filthy Beast of Meat and Hair

I like EddyTeddyFreddy.

Yeah, this one always reminds me of the great Cyclone pinball machine when the carny voice would yell out “Hey you! With the face!” “Ride the Cyclone!”

czarcasm, Shirley Ujest, and Crunchy Frog are the only ones that I can think of right now. The clever usernames are one of the things I l-o-v-e about this board.

What? Has no one mentioned the great and wonderful Happy Scrappy Hero Pup? Best name on the board, hands down.

I like dorkusmalorkusmafia and El_Kabong.