Game of Thrones 3.04 "And Now His Watch is Ended" 4/21/13 No Book Spoilers

No. Not without reading the books (meaning you haven’t missed anything).

It’s starting to look like Pod’s sexual prowess is gonna be a running joke.

Lots of good scenes of people getting some comeuppance – Cersei (twice), the sorcerer, Craster, and especially the slavemaster.

I loved the look on Jorah’s face when he heard Dany speak Valyrian (sp?).

When Dany offered the unsullied their freedom, I’m sure she feels better about herself, but could they meaningfully make a decision about that? These men have been so brainwashed, so rigidly indoctrinated, that it seems like they could not make a meaningful decision like choosing or failing to choose freedom. They simply aren’t equipped to even understand what they were being offered.

The fact that none of them of 8000+ decided to leave seems to indicate that it really wasn’t a choice. I mean - it wasn’t bad for her to offer, but it seems like it was something to clear her conscience or clear up moral ambiguity within the story more than any actual offer.

So much good dialog. Varys and Old Lady Tyrell bumping non-existent and decrepits. Breinne telling Jaime to man the fuck up. Tywin oh-shap!-ing Cersi left and right. I especially like his response to her complaining that Margery manipulates Joffrey.

My husband watched Vikings after GoT. Last week I complained that Vikings is one long, boring hour while GoT is only a half an hour that goes far too quickly. Hubby sets me straight on this score. But it sure feels like GoT is much, much shorter. I honesty thought they cut the show down to half an hour. Such a contrast to Vikings, which feels like it’s never going to end.

I can’t remember if it was clearly shown in the series, but he was bringing crows along to communicate with the wall’s garrison.

this was a pretty damned good episode. did anyone even notice that there wasn’t a single stitch of nudity this week?

Yeah, I loved Tywin giving Cersei the letter-writing treatment too. Tyrion may be taking his father’s contempt too personally. As Cersei pointed out, he’s just cold and condescending to all his kids. He was great setting Cersei down: “I don’t discount you because you’re a woman, I discount you because you’re not as smart as you think you are.” :smiley:

I also can’t wait to see him try to stop Joffrey from doing what he likes.

I think this .gif of Danysums her story up nicely this ep!

Frylock, I think we’re supposed to be as confused and off-balance as Theon. I think they’re doing a good job of bringing back his humanity a bit, and us being all “WTF?” with him helps.

Right as I watched that shot I remember thinking “this will spawn a million gifs”

You have to start somewhere…

I wonder if they’re responding to that SNL parody of the show.

No, that happened in season 1 I think and there’s been plenty since.

I do find the lack of Ros nudity unsettling. I don’t think we’ve had it since season 1.

I agree, that hour felt like it went by extremely quickly. I was sure we were going to get the Hounds trial by combat at least.

Poor Sansa. After all she’s been through, she’s still so naive. Obviously she desperately wants to believe that Margaery sincerely wants to be her friend. But real friends don’t let friends marry their gay brothers. :frowning:

Margaery is probably being politically calculating certainly, but you can’t rule out good intentions by the fact that Loras is gay. Sansa is a prisoner who could be subject to torture or death at the whim of Joffrey. She’s in an awful situation. Marrying Loras would give her protection and a way out. He may even be good to her as a husband aside from sex, and perhaps (I don’t know how this world works as far as this goes) she could have a hidden real love on the side.

“Marry my kind, gay brother and get out of being a hostage under constant threat of torture and death” certainly seems like a pretty good tradeoff to me. It’s not her ideal life, but holy shit does her life suck now. It would be an escape. Plenty friendly I’d say.

Enjoyed it. Minor issue tugging in my head: How could a guy who can broker 8,000 perfect warriors be such a schmo? He was positioned as a schmo last ep, with his cocky statements and no regard for the translation. So getting conned at the dragon handover wasn’t too surprising. But if the guy was savvy enough to be a dealer in The Unsullied, wouldn’t he be cagey enough to ensure he…I don’t know, knew how to take possession of the dragon when Dany handed it over?

Minor nit, I know.

But then again, I can’t help but think about Jaime’s stump and him mucking about in the mud - wow, how is that kept clean? Doesn’t he run the risk of infection?

:rolleyes: :wink:

I don’t think this is a minor nit at all and I agree that the way it went down was completely implausible.

First, it seems unlikely that only one man was in charge of a significant part of the productive output of one city, their soldier slave trade. Although possible. So it’s harder to pin it down to the stupidity of one individual - presumably he’d have to okay it with some sort of council. But even if not.

The guy is arrogant, but you have to be an idiot to put yourself in the situation that he was in. He didn’t ask for a crash course in dragon training, he didn’t inquire how to take care of the dragon or how to control it or anything like that. The plan was just to be handed this wild, powerful creature that no one had known for hundreds of years and just figure out how to deal with it. It’d be hard enough for someone who’d never seen children to be handed a crying child and figure out what he needed to do - let alone a fire breathing, non-human monster. There is simply no way there wouldn’t have been an acclimatization and familiarization period where he was satisfied that he could control the dragons before he handed over the slave army.

Furthermore, Dany’s ploy was pretty obvious. If you hand over your entire army - an army that you know will unflinchingly follow the will of their new master - you are completely at their whims. It’s hard to believe that someone wouldn’t realize that it would be an obvious ploy to immediately use that entire army in the way that she did. At most, you’d expect the guy to tell you that he’d give you half his army of unsullen for a dragon, otherwise he not only has no way to guarantee his safety and profiting from the deal, he’d be counting on the trust and mercy of someone in that crazy world where everyone is a dick. Especially after Dany had Missandei - they were shocked that Dany spoke Valyrian, but it wasn’t even necessary. She could’ve just asked her new slave what the master had actually being saying and learned about it that way.

And then let’s examine the economics of the situation. Yes, dragons are the most unique things in that world, possibly priceless. But how does it generate a profit? The unsullen army represents entire generations worth of the work and output of an entire city. Their main(?) form of trade, their main product. They will not have another generation ready to be sold again for at least a dozen years. How do they keep their economy going in the meantime? By finding someone fabulously rich and selling them the dragons? Seems like there might only be a handful of of potential buyers in the whole world. By using the dragon themselves to destroy their enemies? It seems like the city and the master were businessmen and traders foremost, not conquerors or brigands.

So while the scene was great and very satisfying, I wish they’d have gone further to make it more logical, to let us see what the other end thought they were getting out of the deal, and at least some acknowledgement and preparations for the obvious potential betrayal.

You’re right about the Unsullied. I don’t know if they’ll explore that idea, but they’re certainly not capable of independent thought or action. And now she has to feed 8,000 more people, and somehow get them across the sea. How’s that going to work? But now she’s someone to be reckoned with.

Damn - I’m smarter than I thought! :wink:

Yeah, you have given more thought to the stuff that was tugging at my brain; thanks.

I’d agree with you if they were upfront with Sansa about the situation. “Hey, so your situation sucks. We have a way out for you - if you marry Loras we can get you away from King’s Landing. But we should probably tell you that Loras has a thing for male buttsecks. He’s really nice though. Won’t beat you or treat you like shit like Joffery. Whaddya say?”

I don’t doubt that Margaery is passing fond of Sansa, but even if Loras had a secret proclivity for beating his women I don’t think that would stop her from trying to hook him up with Sansa and securing Winterfell for the Tyrells.

Fans of Jaime might wanna see this:

I don’t think anyone except for Dany would have dared to turn on the slave masters in such a fashion and burn all her bridges, so to speak. The slave master offered to buy her future captives at a good price; he was expecting their business relationship to continue, because that’s how it’s always been done. No normal person would have had anything to gain in the long term by turning on the slave masters like that. Their error was not realizing that Dany didn’t give a shit about maintaining good relationships with the rich and powerful in that part of the world, since her ultimate goal is to conquer Westeros.

I agree with you about the dragons though. Maybe in their arrogance they thought the dragons were still small and young enough to control.