Game of Thrones Season 7 book / show open discussion thread [spoilers all]

Everything has been running smoothly with us running separate threads for show-only episodic threads, and this book/show/anything goes thread.

The show and books can be discussed openly here. In the event that you find a real spoiler - like a leaked script or something that reveals a major plot point - in that unlikely case, go ahead and spoiler box it. Otherwise there’s no need for any spoiler boxes - everything in the books and on the show is fair game.

Last year’s book/show thread

Might as well ask this question here just in case since spoilers are OK: I have not read any of the books, but it is my understanding that we are now, in the HBO show, past the plot line timeframe in the books, correct? I realize that there are multiple plot lines, and it’s possible that something from the past in the books might be resurrected and placed in the present in the show, but the current time in the show is past the time in the most recent book, right?

Yes, we are past all of the book story lines, though there are some significant differences (mostly missing characters present in the books).

Sam’s storyline is still ahead in the books.

We still need the separate threads, I think. Book discussion seems to drive the show-only folks a bit nuts even when it doesn’t involve spoilers.

I’ve read all the books, but my daughter will not watch the show without ongoing commentary about the books (and their superiority). I’ve had to silence her.:slight_smile:

Like with a politely worded request or Ilyn Payne style.

I’m not sure how polite it was, but it was a verbal request rather than a more permanent method.

Just follow the Hound’s lead.

Huh? I remembered that he wasn’t yet at the citadel, in the books, but rather sailing somewhere around Essos?

Nope. He’s already at the citadel since feast of crows actually.


Looks like Arya is taking the place of Lady Stoneheart. I like it.

Not a lot happening in terms of plot, aside from Arya killing off (all?) the Freys. Though of course a lot has to be just setting up the pieces again from last season. Interesting to see the Jon/Sansa drama rear its head again after it seemed like it might’ve been buried. Euron continues to underwhelm me compared to his book counterpart.


A reddit post here looking at the page Sam was reading about dragonglass makes it sound like Jorah might cure his greyscale with dragonglass.

Hey, I j u st figured out how Dany is going to “break the wheel”. All the major houses will be wiped out. Darwinized, if you will. So far the Lannisters, Targaryans, Barantheons and Freys are done. And the Tyrells too, I think. None of that was Dany’s doing but the coming war sure will be.

Oh, you intend to say that “break the wheel” is meant to lead to absolutism and bureaucracy? If you wipe out the political and military counter-weight to central authority on the throne, well, this is going to happen.

Unless the central authority fails to establish itself properly. Then we have a power vacuum that is likely filled by all the meanest bastards to be found in all the regions of Westeros. War Lords will rule the lands for quite some time in that scenario.

If you want a political revolution instead, you need political and social cohesion among interest groups to push forward - where to find those in the aftermath of a continent-wide devastation?

I think the book version would only have the Targs completely gone (Danys barren and Snowtarg not a confirmed targ yet). Stannis is up, and Genry still has the bloodline though who would know it (Varys?) for Baratheons. There are plenty of Lannister cousins and uncles which have barely featured in the show, and I think a few more Tyrells around too…

In the books Loras is the third Tyrell son. Garlan and the one Sansa was supposed to marry that was crippled in a joust with the Red Viper. I forget his name.

Now, I suppose all three might die in the books, but I doubt they’re ever all in the same room at the same time.

And yes, many Lannisters. Baratheon and Targaryen are the only great houses that don’t have a line to the next generation.

Willas is the other Tyrell (the oldest, IIRC).

And besides, it isn’t as if there aren’t major bannermen who aren’t ready to step into the breach and become the “major house” - that’s how the Tyrells (bannermen to the Gardeners) became a major house in the first place.

Or, more recently, the Boltons. Although if the show is accurate, that doesn’t last long.