Game: Put the common saying into a modern/alternate context

Don’t upset the apple-trademark.

Never judge a program by its manufacturer’s web pages.

Old coders never die, they just become management which is much worse.

Ain’t that the truth!!!

Great creations all. I especially like this one Bippy, hope you don’t mind if I steal it. (because I’m going to steal it anyway! :))

An apple a day keeps Bill Gates away.

Two many cooks made a Celebrity Cookoff Show.

No use crying over unsold Enron stock.

ET, text message home. (I know it’s not an old saying, but this is how my mind works)

Go ahead and use any of them.

I’m reading Eats, Shites & Leaves Crap English and how to use it. It has a section of Contemporary Proverbs all credited to Anon.

from the book…

A fool and his money are soon partying.

Soup should be seen and not heard.

All work and no play makes Jack a rich boy.

Two wrongs don’t make a right…but 3 lefts do.

My way, or the information superhighway.

A source code of a thousand lines, begins with a single loop.

A problem shared is a problem you can blame on the other guy’s incompetence.

There is nothing so foolish as the blonde leading the blonde.

(one from my Sister in law)
A woman’s place is in the wrong.

All is fair in love and war. But at least in war you are protected by the Geniva Convention.

Behind every great woman there is a great ass.

Better the version you know, than the beta you don’t.

Cecil has left the SDMB.

Running around like a frat boy with his keg all gone.

Spare the therapist, screw up the child for life.

There’s more than one way to google a website.

“Let them read spam!”

Marvin the Martian Internet investor: “Where’s the .com boom? There’s supposed to be a loud, earth-shattering .com boom!”

The Journey Of A Thousand Miles begins with the X-raying of your Luggage

He who LOLs last has the slowest internet connection

Rome: Total War wasn’t coded in a single day

Now you’re cooking with Napalm

Don’t count your cheques before they’ve cleared

Two wrongs don’t make a right, but they can cancel each other out

The Digital Camera Never Lies (Unless it’s been near anyone with Photoshop)

As the Aeroplane flies (referring to distance)

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and he’ll outsource all the work to China for considerably less money and effort.

In the spirit of being PC, “the visually impaired leading the visually impaired”.

Excellent, I was trying to think of a good one for that phrase.

There’s going to be the source code to debug. (kudos for any who get what phrase I’m adapting.)

There’s going to be the devil to pay?

You can’t make a working database without breaking normal form.

God is on the side of the biggest lies.

Nerds of a feather MORPG together.

You got it, Bippy. :wink: I just didn’t think that most computer savvy people realized that paying the Devil wasn’t about money, but about nasty, demanding work.