Garius and Rekka got married....

…Yesterday. For those of you who are interested, there are pictures in this Nadsters thread.

They’re in Turkey by now, so it’ll be a couple of weeks before Garius is around to tell you all about it himself, so for you’ll just have take my word for it that it was a beautiful day for all concerned. :smiley:
Edited to add that of course, this is neither mundane nor pointless, but I did have to share!*

Congratulations! :slight_smile:

Much love and happiness to them both.

Just curious - what is NADS? I was browsing the forum but couldn’t quite figure it out…

Non-American Dopers - tis basically an offshoot of the Motherboard, aimed at giving us somewhere to natter about more Eurocentric stuff. Though we’re not at all exclusive and do have some American members, too.

May they have much joy in their new life together.

Yeah, ME! I loves my non-American Doper friends!

Congrats to both

W00t! Speaking from personal experience, if you marry the right person, it’s one of the very best things you’ll ever do!

Lovely dresses—both hers and the ones she chose for her bridesmaid.

Much happiness to them!

Thanks for the best wishes people.

I’ll do a proper thread on the day when we get more photos through - in the meantime, some of the “official” photos can be found on my blog here:

First Batch Of Photos

By golly that’s a good-looking wedding party! :cool:

What a beautiful couple!
Everyone looks entirely too sober in the reception pictures, though. :slight_smile:

Congrats you happy people!


Of course, also from personal experience, the converse is true, too.

Here’s to the right person, **garius **and Rekka.

<raises virtual glass>