It appears he is looking for a fit, attractive, and intelligent young man willing to have sex with him more or less on demand in exchange for room and board. On the face of it this seems like a pretty poor deal. His laundry list of requirements seems pretty substantial. Are his expectations out of line or not?
He’s out of his mind, or looking to exploit some young guy from somewhere horrid who has no resources and doesn’t know any better, but that’s par for the Craigslist personals course.
That’s one of the funniest things I’ve read in a while. If someone had all the qualities he was asking for, they wouldn’t need him.
Seriously, if you’re going to get a boy toy to move in with you, then you don’t expect brains and non-gold diggers. Either look for a boyfriend or be more realistic about what you’re likely to find in what is basically a houseboy.
Well, the guy is probably a gross looking pig, but who knows? At least he’s honest, and it sounds like the young person will get a job and some mentoring. If the guy really is a hot shot businessman, it might not be so bad.
Honestly though, how much can you expect from a young guy. Really young. The younger the better. :rolleyes:
Oh, and he doesn’t mind if the young guy gets stoned off his ass before sex. He must be really, really ugly.
Why ask gay men specifically? These kinds of ads are posted on Craigslist all the time, and most of them are looking for young women. This isn’t some wacky part of gay culture. The appeal of being a kept man or woman goes back a long time–though I doubt this guy will have any success. People with enough money to keep a young thing probably don’t need Craigslist to find one. This isn’t even the worst one I’ve ever seen, though it is, of course, pretty ridiculous.
I don’t see any difference between this guy and a middle-aged straight guy looking for a girl with the same qualifications. You seem to be surprised to find a gay man who is acting like . . . a man.
I have to disagree. A heterosexual man in the same scenario would be typically taking care of the woman and possibly even paying her a stipend just to be around. This guy wants the guy to be young, hot, service him and be an hourly employee. The expectations of this man for his boy toy are far more rigorous than most heterosexual men would conceive of for a woman willing to be their consort.
Perhaps I should re-phrase the question to “Are young male male “consorts” less favorably treated than female consorts?” If the expectations in this ad are any measure it would seem so.
There are plenty of entitled straight men out there, I can assure you. I remember at least one website out there where this absolutely batshit dude had this huge list of requirements for his prospect female mate, and he wasn’t even planning to pay her anything! If anything, I suspect that male prostitutes probably make more than female ones do (I believe that is true of pornography)–there’s a smaller demand demand, but also a much smaller supply.
The truth value of it may have reversed due to drugs – pre-V1@gr/-, it was difficult to find both straight and gay actors without performance issues (heck most men have difficulty even without being in front of a camera.) But I heard that pay is way down now that you have chemical help.