Geographical challenge...

Australian crawl
Hawaiian punch
Hungarian Goulash
Polish notation

Turkish Bath

Hmm. Seems like the African continent is a little under-represented so far.

How about[ul][li]Egyptian cotton[/li][li]Congo eel[/li][li]Guinea pig[/li]Hanging chad[/ul]

::: holds nose at “Hanging Chad” ::: :stuck_out_tongue:

Will that be Eat-In or Togo?

Burmese python
Swiss cheese
Hungarian goulash
Panama hat
Mexican hat dance
Rhodesian ridgeback (it’s a breed of dog)
Gabon viper
Surinam toad
Portuguese man-o’-war
Prune Danish

American Pie.

“Hanging chad” was funny.

Guinea hen
Yankee ingenuity

Turkish delight
Polish joke

Burma Shave :stuck_out_tongue:

How about Spanish Harlem?

Spainsh Main
Kentucky Waterfall

Japanese Whispers

Manx Cat
Boston Creme
Manhattan Clam Chowder
New England Clam Chowder
Sicilian Pizza
Neapolitan Ice Cream

Australian ballot - a term for the practice of voting in secret.

I’ve only ever heard of *Chinese * whispers.

Berber Carpet
Greco-Roman Wrestling
English Muffin
Mexican Standoff

Tartar sauce.

London Broil
Nantucket Sleigh Ride

Brazilian wax,
Chile Pepper
Panama hat
cuban (sigar)
Bermudas (Shorts)

Bohemian Rhapsody
Jordan Almonds
Norwegian Wood
Persian rug/ Persian cat
Singapore Sling

African Violet
Body English

Indian burn
Indian giver
Connecticutt Yankee