George Takei's "Oh my"

When did George Takei’s saying “Oh, my” with that peculiar inflection and in that deep baritone become a thing that he’s noted for? How did it start?

ETA: George Takei Oh My - YouTube

We’ve already covered this…

And that citation is authoritative. Know Your Meme cites it even.

From George Takei | Know Your Meme

The “Straight Dope Forums” citation is the same thread chrisk cites.

Chrisk and gnoitall, thank you. :slight_smile:

And then there’s Takei’s fragrance “Eau My”.

Amazon page.
The buyer comments are priceless.

Nifty! :slight_smile:

Hilarious! Thanks, running coach. I needed a good laugh.


Er, um, Quartz, what did I do there? :confused:

From the Amazon link:

Customers Who Viewed This Item Also Viewed “Images You Should Not Masturbate To" [book]

I have a busy weekend ahead.

I used the Look Inside feature for that book. It wasn’t compelling reading. Don’t worry, you’ll have time to mow the lawn and catch the game this weekend.

A niff is a smell. Usually used in ‘noxious niffs’, granted, but it’s neutral on its own.

Thank you. Didn’t know that. Ignorance fought. I’m afraid my pun was inadvertent. :slight_smile:

I bought some when it was introduced, and it has been my go-to cologne since.

I heard him on NPR not long ago, and he claimed it was from when he was on the Howard Stern show. Stern make some reference to how his deep voice must mean his … was really big. They apparently used the sound clip over and over.

So are the customer questions.

Q: does it smell like dilithium crystals…or used dilithium crystals?

A: I cannae answer that question. My nostrils…they’re gonna blow, the poor bairns!

Q: Omni Consumer Products? Are they the same OCP that gave us Robocop?

A: Yes, yes they are. What are you implying by that? You have 20 seconds to comply or reply.

Q: Was this tested on any non-humans?

A: I think it was tested on Kardashians.

“Kardashians” sounds like “Cardassians,” those aliens from TNG and DS9 that have the spoon-shaped indentations in the middle of their foreheads.

My fave customer question on the Amazon site is:

Q: Does Eau My smell like pine?

A: No, if you want pine you have to buy Eau de deForest Kelley.

That’s brilliant.