And I thought some people spend too much time on the SD boards!
And I thought some people spend too much time on the SD boards!
Would it be too much to include a summary, instead of just two links? Seriously.
Scary stuff.
A guy who works in my building goes on and on about his online life -
His real life - not so much.
Mundane Pointless Stuff I Must Share! Seriously!
Nice user name though… that’s the name my old university roomate had for his penis! LOL
The first link has a story about a married couple who broke up recently… because his online Second Life avatar was cheating on her online Second Life avatar with another woman’s avatar. (On the one hand, I can sort of see where she’s coming from–it’s pretty much the same thing as having cybersex in chat rooms or emailing flirty notes/pictures, right? On the other hand, ye gods, people, put down the mouse and keyboard and step away from the computer. Slowly now.)
The second link’s story is about a woman who got so mad about her online avatar divorcing another man’s online avatar that she logged onto his account and ‘killed’ his avatar–and now she could get five years in prison or a $5,000 fine, which, what?
No, let these people stay online. I am glad they are out of the dating pool to be honest.
Yeah, no kidding, just imagine if they ever manage to reproduce:
WIFE (glued to computer in bedroom): Dear! I hear the baby crying, but I can’t find the volume control switch in the Options menu! I keep clicking the dirty diaper and bottle icons, but it won’t stop and I can’t concentrate on my gold farming!
HUSBAND (glued to computer in den): Just hit the “Mute All” button in the system tray and quit bothering me, I’m busy banging another avat… fighting trolls! Yeah, that’s it!
WIFE: It didn’t work, I still hear it!