Get Medicine Through The Internet Legally!

It works like magic! :smiley:

Reported as spam.

ETA: :wink:

$39? Wow, I’m going to get rich! I bet I could do several hundred 45 minute sessions just over lunch.

Free shipping? That means the more I buy, the more I save. :smiley:

Try to have UPS track this package.

God, I REALLY hope this was meant to be funny Czar. From where I stand, it’s not.

Internet pharmacies assisted in my very painful addiction to hydrocodone. I had a freakin nervous breakdown and had to go into a safe house for four days to detox. I’m clean now for well, looks at calendar, five months yesterday. YAY ME!!! me go girl!!!

Even humorously throwing this stuff out there makes it possible for someone to use those sites to feed addictions and fall farther into the pit of despair. I find it painful to have someone joke about it.

And what Czarcasm posted had *what * to do with buying pharmaceuticals over the internet?

Some people are even too fucked up for the internet. I find it painful to read their posts.

'Cause you know, it really is all about you.

Please take this in the spirit it is intended, this board will not change to fit your needs. It hasn’t ever changed to fit anyone’s needs - it is either what you need or its not. At times, posters with very high popularity who a lot of Dopers would do ANYTHING for have left the board because they felt it wasn’t the right place for them at the time. We’ve lost popular former mods, we’ve lost people very active here. Sometimes they come back when they are in a better spot. This may not be the right place for you right now. That doesn’t mean you have to leave, you get to decide (unless you manage to get yourself banned) - but you can’t expect it to change. People say hurtful things here, they make offhanded comments that are offensive to someone who has recently been through therapy, or lost a loved one, or shaken addiction, or bought a gun or had an abortion or… They hold grudges and dredge up the past.

I’ve said too much and I shouldn’t post this because this doesn’t need to turn into another trainwreck about YOU…but I’m going to because I think you (and some other people) can benefit from recognizing that this place is what it is.

Did you go to the bottom of the page to see the other items offered by this seller? I think my favorite is the broom.

Now now, everybody calm right down.

We can re-experience that feeling of one-ness through telepathic rabbinical healing.

FYI, MizGrand, and anyone else who was afraid to click the link lest they be swallowed up by the pits of Oxy Hell, I’ll tell you what czarcasm was linking to:

An eBay auction in which you can get “Reiki Healing” over the Internet for $39. The healing is performed by…a witch!

There, you feel better now that no one is fueling anyone else’s naughty habits? (other than those that have reiki habits)

Why do the nutjobs and schemers always type in coloured 32-point (or larger) Arial?

It must be because they figure that anyone dumb enough to fall for their crap can’t read anything unless it’s gigantic and right in their face.

At least this one wasn’t all in upper case.

MizGrand - Did you see the auction? It’s nothing to do with pharmaceuticals. At least, not unless you’re meant to swallow that “Chi or Energy Ball,” and even then I’m not certain of the psychotropic effects of swallowing … er … balls.


[sub]She turned me into a newt.[/sub]

[sub]I got better.[/sub]

Czarcasm, I seriosuly hope this is supposed to be a joke! Because I dont find it fucking amusing. I am recovering from OCD. It’s only been looks a calendar 15 weeks since I stopped constantly cleaning everything in sight!! I used to dust for hours. I couldn’t look at a broom without sweeping my entire apartment a half dozen times. I would finally put the broom down… only after the skin on my hands started to rub off. I would sweep the common areas leading to my apartment, the parking lot, even the really messy parts of the lawn! I couldn’t stop. I was a huge fucking loser but now I’m better.
However, even the sight of a broom could send me back into relapse! Please, have some fucking respect! There are people out there who dont want to look at brooms right now!

Erm…are you feeling better now? Cos I know how common relapses are. And it’s sooo easy to get into one of those cleaning jags where you obsessively vaccuum the entire flat and wash the dishes and scrub the kitchen and maybe do the ironing for a little light cleaning fun. Really, I know how tough it can be. In fact, I’m going to do something I never thought I’d do for some random bear offa the internet. I’m going to invite you - should you feel your symptoms returning - to come visit my home and hang out. Really, you’re a fellow Doper and I feel I should do more for this wonderful online community. You are welcome to visit and stay as long as is needed. Really. :slight_smile:

I’m gonna wash that OCD right outta my hair,
I’m gonna wash that OCD right outta my hair,
I’m gonna wash that OCD right outta my hair,
I’m gonna wash that OCD right outta my hair,
I’m gonna wash that OCD right outta my hair,
I’m gonna wash that OCD right outta my hair,
I’m gonna wash that OCD right outta my hair,
I’m gonna wash that OCD right outta my hair,
I’m gonna wash that OCD right outta my hair,
I’m gonna wash that OCD right outta my hair,
I’m gonna wash that OCD right outta my hair,
I’m gonna wash that OCD right outta my hair,
I’m gonna wash that OCD right outta my hair,
I’m gonna wash that OCD right outta my hair,

OK, OK, ok, …

just sayin’

And I’m not going ANYWHERE!!! I LOVE THE SDMB. So sue me.

Ending now. I humbly demand that from now on, no post shall contain the word “the.” And every thread title shall be “Fred MacMurray is in my microwave.”

Thanks so much for your cooperation.

For $45 bucks she better offer a happy ending.