Getting high off of cabbage?!

Quite a number of years ago, a rumor swept our dorm that you could get high off of eating cabbage. The gist was that there was an article in High Times detailing the procedure which involved cooking the core of the cabbage in a pressure cooker. Unfortunately, that’s all I know.

It’s a long shot, but has ANYBODY ever heard of this?! If so, can you elaborate on the process?

I’ve never heard of such a thing. Here is what I think. The smell of cabbage cooking can fill a whole house. If someone started a rumor in a dorm that cabbage cooked a certain way could make you high, he could tell who fell for the rumor by the smell coming from their dorm rooms.

I believe that you are refering to an old process to extract opium related compounds from lettuce. You’ll need to do a search for this data.

Only when rolled up and smoked with banana peels.

I hung out with Cabbage at TWO different Dopefests, and as far as I know, he was never holding…

Yer pal,
Satan - Commissioner, The Teeming Minions

Five months, four weeks, 2 hours, 39 minutes and 50 seconds.
7244 cigarettes not smoked, saving $905.55.
Extra time with Drain Bead: 3 weeks, 4 days, 3 hours, 40 minutes.

He claims you can get high inhaling the air that builds up & supposedly ferments inside rising bread dough.

Haven’t you kids ever heard of weed?

Sure, I’ll get you high if you like. What are you looking for? I can probably hook you up. :smiley:

I have heard of people eating an entire head of lettuce to try to get a Niacin buzz. I took a couple of Niacin capsules that a friend had gotten from a health food store one time. Yes, I could feel it. No, it wasn’t pleasant. It made me feel warm in a feverish sort of way and I had a slight burning sensation on my skin. Nope, would not recommend it. I think pkbites might be on to something though.

And you can wreck your liver by taking too much Niacin.

I recall kids taking fresh cow poop, letting it ferment a touch in the sun, then sniffing it through a bag or something and getting buzzed. I think people will sniff anything if they think they can get a buzz off of it.

I did a bit of dope in my day and a lot of booze, a few downers and some uppers and came to realize that there are only two pleasant drugs out there that aren’t all that dangerous. Pot and booze. Separately or combined.

Everything else sucks. Heroin/morphine can kill you too quickly, makes you sleepy and not worth a damn, coke makes you jumpy, heart races and you get paranoid, most downers are tranquilizers and can put you to sleep, uppers make you fidgety, jumpy and you have a tad trouble keep focused, crack makes you instantly paranoid, causes your heart to race and makes you jumpy so the ‘energy’ and brief euphoric feeling isn’t worth it.

A lot of sniffers just get lightheaded and a little dizzy. Laughing gas is an anesthetic, it makes you feel funny, but dentists administer it with an adrenaline feed so the chances of it killing you is very low. (Alas, I must say I’ve tried it only in the dentist chair and it had no effect on me.)

Booze, however makes you feel the best, which is why it is the drug of choice. Pot is next and is about the most benign. Combining the two is great and, provided you don’t do anything stupid, like drive or play with weapons, the chances of it hurting you are very low.

Folks I know who get jumpy on pot alone usually have a couple of shots along with it. I used to. It made for some great nights with an equally partaking girlfriend.