A recent TV show had this dialog between a mid-thirties woman and a 17-18-year old teenage girl:
GIRL: I don’t want to die before losing my virginity.
OLDER WOMAN: (watching the girl zip through texting message after message on her cell phone) I’d be more concerned about your thumbs falling off with all the speed texting. You’ll wind up being the one weird girl with eight fingers and you’ll never get to second base.
G: (exasperated) Do even know what second base is these days?
OW: What do you mean, it changed? It can’t change!
G: Oh, yeah, it did. Now, second base is…
OW: No, no… pretty sure I don’t want to know.
News to me as well. Has the International Committee on Euphemisms redefined “getting to second base?”
that same link says a “new teen model” has- ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US! - redefined oral sex, anal sex etc as acts of abstinence and aren’t really even sex at all. so perhaps it is really better not to know what second base is…
I always thought that second base was handjobs/fingering. I’m only 27 you wouldn’t think this kind of thing would have changed that quickly. I disagree with wiki in that I think you move below clothing at 1st. Any more boob play is considered part of making out and without it you just kissed a bit.