Gettysdope V: The Return of Bacon Salt

It’s a shame that Mr. Zappa is Typo Knig, because otherwise, we’d have the Mamas and Papas.

Sorry about the bad joke. I just couldn’t resist.


You’re a card, and should be dealt with.

Nah, she’s just a joker.

I’m considering bringing my Crock Pot and making chana saag. (Vegetarian on meat equipment.)

Or I may make q’rab cakes. I’ll decide later.

I do indeed. If I go with that plan, I will only have pork-based baked beans (I often make a panful without bacon but I’ve only got one crockpot).

As an aside - if folks from further away have ever felt the urge to visit Hersheypark (theme park), the park is open until 10 that night. It’s about an hour away from Gettysburg. Chocolate World (which is just outside the park and is free, and is a truly dangerous place if you value your waistline) is also open until 10.

That should be fine. Just make sure to mark it as having pork in it. There’s no rule or anything about making things edible for people who keep kosher. We just figured that we’d refrain from putting the sausage in the pasta salad this year because some people who would have liked to try some couldn’t last year.

I think we need danceswithcats’ opinion on how much electric shit is too much electric shit. He always brings the extension cords and boxes so we can hook everything up, but we don’t want to overload the place and have it burn down or something.

We’re bringing two crockpots for his famous (or is it infamous? :wink: ) kick-ass chili, and I think there were two additional crockpots last year - the crockpot chocolate cake and the rice dish that Mama Tiger brought. Is that right?

We’re also bringing a grill. Anyone signed up for burgers and dogs?
We also need sodas, plates and utensils and cups… and what else?

I have the AntaresJB Memorial Name Tags.

Did I miss something? Why “Memorial”?

I wouldn’t worry. A 15 Amp circuit loaded to 80% of capacity works out to 1440W.
Using an average of 300W per crockpot, 4 units leave 240W to spare.

Please leave the plasma screen, electric guitar amplifiers, and tanning beds at home, though.


We actually brought two plug-ins for Papa Tiger’s adobo last year, the crockpot and the rice cooker.

Actually, though, if we do come, we could plan on bringing hot dogs. We get them from the Amish market so they’re anything but kosher, but they are just insanely good. Let me try to pin Papa Tiger down with a definite yes or no rather than a definite maybe so we can plan more intelligently.

I think I might join y’all. I’ll be happy to bring anything - suggestions?


Depends. Do you like to cook? Or not? If not, I don’t think anyone’s signed up to bring chips and pretzels and such yet.

Either way, we’d be happy to have you!

Because last I heard, she had moved to Florida and can no longer bring the nametags herself.

I’ll be bringing burgers and the usual family members (wife +3 kids).

Mama Tiger, let me know if you aren’t coming or aren’t bringing the hot dogs. If you aren’t coming I’ll bring some not so Amish and not so insanely good plain old ordinary regular dogs.

:eek: :mad: Party pooper!!
:wink: :slight_smile:

Another suggestion for any non-cooks: paper plates, napkins, utensils, cups, sodas and water.

Well, damn. There goes the entertainment part of the day. What are we supposed to do now, sit around and talk to each other?


Still planning on being there with three types of Kimche.

Haven’t been online much, but miss you all.


Now, be honest, Tris, do you or do you not just keep bringing back the same jars of kimche year after year? :eek:

Well, pooh. I’ll miss listening to her sing. :frowning: