Gettysdope V: The Return of Bacon Salt

I’ll most likely be following norinew and her family up. Definitely should have one person with me, possibly two if everything works out. May bring some sort of cheesecake or baked beans…

Please, please, please make it cheesecake! Please?? I’ll love you forever. ::insert “puppy dog eyes” smiley here::

I’ll be there, possibly with spousal unit. I’ll probably bring raspberry cobbler.

I would suggest to bring a cheesecake for you alone and the beans for everyone else to share, but I am certain that your beloved middle child would rally several others into an uprising to conspire against us and demand the cheesecake to be freed from hostage. (So, just in case, I’ll bring two! Teehee!)

Ha on her! I can eat cheesecake faster than she can engineer an uprising! :stuck_out_tongue:


Since I’ll be out of town this week, here’s a bump to remind everyone that we’re T-minus 3 months and change from event launch.

If you haven’t made a commitment to attend, or decide what victuals you and your tribe will deliver, the final Jeopardy music is playing. :wink:

It just occurred to me that I hadn’t seen any threads about Gettysdope, so I went a-lookin’, and here it is. How has this thread disappeared for 2 months? :confused:

Debating whether we can make it - the Boy Scout troop is having a car wash that day so at best it would be Moon Unit and me.

Yeah, and we’ve got just over a month.

Sure hope you can make it!

I stopped by the Park Office today to pay the fee, so stuff be official. Bless her heart, she never asks who Cecil Adams is.

N-E-Way, let’s get the list together.

We’re still good to come. That would be 2 adults and 2 kids with desserts.

I look forward to meeting everyone.

The three of us will be there. Contribution TBD.


I just had a moment of panic as I realized that I couldn’t remember exactly what date in September it was, and I have a family wedding on the 20th. But Gettydope is the weekend after, so both of us should be there.

Lemme see, from us:
Me, the hubby, mudgirl, EtherealFreakOfPinkness, and two friends of hers. I will bring some Crock Pot meatballs (some in brown gravy, some in marinara sauce), and EFOP’s friends will be bringing cheesecake.

I think I’ll be coming, unless my mother decides to come for a visit that weekend. I’ll be bringing my partner.

Just checking in here. Of course the gay amishmen will be there, along with a newbie, my younger brother.

As for what we will be bringing, I think that we will be coming with a couple of new white trash favorites (diet soda mixed berry cobbler and tropical punch kool-aid pickles) an old favorite (pasta salad) and a case or two of bottled water on ice. All will be as kosher-like as we can make them. :slight_smile:

We are really looking forward to this go round.

Airman’s sister may also be joining us, if her schedule allows. Dunno what she’s bringing.


I plan to be there. I’ll either be bringing chicken biryani (if I can find the #@%#`*&$!! recipe) or rice krispie treats.

Let me talk to Papa Tiger and see if he wants to do it again this year. Alas, that isn’t the weekend where he has his biweekly Friday off, but he still will probably be up for it, other life craziness permitting. And if we come, I assume we’ll bring the dogs, a.k.a. the Idiots, again this year, with the understanding that they will be kept well away from the allergic.

So put us down for a maybe.

ETA: And food contributions are TBD, too. Although maybe I can talk Papa Tiger into whipping up a batch of his gumbo this year.

Count me and Moon Unit in - as noted above, Typo Knig and Dweezil will be booked up with a Boy Scout car wash.

We’re also happy to carpool / provide transit for any DC-area dopers who need a ride.

I’ll bring a dessert - either Better Than Sex cake (it isn’t, but it is goooood), or some chocolate cookies (also very good though by the time they get there they’ll be a couple hours outa the oven so past their “who needs men” stage).

Also either a cheese ball + crackers, or some very good baked beans if anyone can give hints on the logistics: I’d worry about food safety if I bake them then bring them, warm, but if I refrigerate them, how could I warm them up once we get there? Will there be a grill or anything I could sling the pan onto?

If you have a crock pot, the pavilions have electrical outlets.