Giraffe's challenge: What should he drop in a pool of urine?

Welcome, SkyBum. Please, sit down and get disgusted.

The hour draws near …

Potential point of clarification

How should the “to be soaked” item be applied to the urine? Should it be set in the bowl and then urinated upon, or should the pissing happen prior to the placement?

That is probably the single worst question I have ever asked. At this point, Santa is getting Carpal Tunnel syndrome from putting checkmarks in the “naughty” column next to my name.

I imagined (not that I sat around thinking of Giraffe pissing on sandwiches or anything…rather, as I concieved the idea, the scenario was) a bowl full of urine from a toilet that had not been flushed for a couple of hours. The sandwiches would then be placed (placed, to avoid backsplash. But I guess if he will be eating them, then obviously sanitation* is of little concern) in the water and allowed to soak for a bit. Adding pee as they soaked would be up to him. In my case, contemplating anything while staring into a toilet makes me have to pee , so as long as the sandwiches are soaking in old pee, why not “freshen it up a bit” instead of dashing to the guest bathroom. I mean, it’s not like he’d be considered gross for peeing on the sandwiches. Gross became a moot point the second he dropped the bagies in the toilet.

nerissassippi’s planned meal of asparagus the evening before was a lovely touch.

*I was going to put sanity instead of sanitation. I guess either one would have worked.

AFAIK, cesium and francium are radioactive… he probably doesn’t want those in his toilet… the sodium would ignite the hydrogen gas produced, anyway. Slightly stealing the money idea, how about tie-dying a shirt in piss that said “I was soaked(or dyed, however you see fit…) in piss” How about putting some asparagus in the baggie with the sandwich?

A bit of history: this challenge originally arose out of my mockery of Mullinator’s unwillingness to use a cell phone that had fallen into a urinal with pee in it even after it had been cleaned off. Hence, I think it’s only reasonable that the challenge involve tossing an item into a bowl already full of urine, allowing it to remain there for some short period of time, and then rinsing it off.

Because you sick bastards have fixated on the sandwich idea, I’ll go along with it. Thus, after the “rinsing it off” step, we can add a fourth “and then eating it” step. Next week, we can have the official dipping ceremony, digitally-photographed by the mighty nerissassippi, assuming she can stop laughing long enough to take the pictures.

Since the goal of this is not to drink urine, as much as that would obviously make everyone happy, I suggest that the method of toilet insertion be to gently toss the bagged sandwiches into the bowl and leave them there unassisted for some period of time, thereby mimicking the original cell phone dunking that started this whole fiasco.

Or they could be unbagged… like the cell phone… and ! it’s even sanitary. I guess afterwards you could rinse the sandwich off…

This is certainly a fair request, and as the “sick bastard” who came up with the idea of the sandwich, I am willing to accept this method. It’s up to Mullinator, as the Instigator Supreme.

chaoticdonkey, c’mere a minute. I want to show you something…


So I guess we’re starting the countdown all over again? I hope you didn’t forget about this, Giraffe.

Like we would let you!

I am fine with dunking the bagged sandwiches in urine, rather than urinating on them. However, I think urinating on them would provide for some lovely t-shirt action shots.

So, when will the big event take place?

Also, I am a little disappointed that I will forever be linked to Giraffe via a urine challenge.

phew, I was afraid what with the ridiculous numbers of posts per day that girrafe’s ploy would make people forget the thread. Glad they haven’t :slight_smile:

I choose to believe that we live in a world where challenges centered around bodily functions are not easily forgotten.

Hear hear!

I wouldn’t dream of ducking out on this important and historical thread. In addition to providing me with the opportunity to put things in my toilet, this challenge will provide me the opportunity to be forever known as “that poster who puts things in his toilet”.

I suggest that the 2003 Mullinator Urine Challenge take place on Wednesday evening (6/25/2003). All I have in the house are Ziploc brand sandwich bags, so I’ll have to go buy some Glad brand sandwich bags, to make the challenge truly exciting. The event will be thoroughly digitally photographed and the photos emailed to Mullinator for public display. Then, I’ll sit back and wait for the admiration of the board to flood in.

“You put something in your toilet and ate it? Wow, you’re the coolest guy ever! Can I hang out with you sometime?”

Groupies may want to start stalking me now, before all the good spots are taken.

<Dr. Evil>
We’re not so different, you and I.
</Dr. Evil>

Either way, you may have to brush twice and thoroughly rince with Listerine before nerissassippi will kiss you goodnight.

I have a genuine respect for you because you did not try to welch out or make excuses to not step up to the plate. And the potential free t-shirt is not hurting the chances of this becoming my favorite thread since I’ve joined.

Thanks for being entertaining and a great sport about the whole thing.

I’m not sure I have so much a genuine respect for you Girrafe so much as being absolutely terrified of you. Still, this event will probably prevent me ever forgetting either you or this board, (like that could ever happen :))

Yeah, this is pretty much firmly cementing Giraffe atop my list of favorite dopers (well, after Casey1505 and his lovely suggestion). There aren’t many who would so willingly plow headstrong into a potential urine soaked sandwich meal.

And, once the pictures arrive, I’ll throw together a quick page and then adjust my signature line accordingly. I fully endorse any other dopers to do the same.

Casey, I never said they would be free. If this is really what we want to do, I can get a hold of this fella I know and try to work out a deal for cheap.

I be po’. I’m not in this for profit, but honestly I can’t affort to do it alone and I think several of us would really be interested in owning a shirt …
Hm. I just remembered: I actually had a dream the other night where I recieved the pics from Giraffe in my e-mail. Pretty wild.

Or scary.

Sorry. Didn’t mean to make assumptions. The words “free” and “cheap” are as asthetically pleasing next to the word “t-shirt” as they are next to the word “beer”.

Like I said, I’ll throw in some bucks, no problem. Just let me know when, where, and how.