Give little posters a chance!

In spite of recent attacks on me and other posters who have just started, maybe with radical ideas, however stupid, do not need more antagomism and ridicule by threads directly aimed at them and their own stupidity.

There opnions should be confronted at them, not behind their back, are you cowards? Can’t you more experienced dopers confront your opposition to their opinion straight on instead of the school-yard tactic of chinese whispers and pointing and laughing.

You more experienced dopers are constantly demolishing peoples credibility on the boards and that just because they say silly or inapropiate things you feel obliged to attack them.

Montezuma, I haven’t really participated, but I have been lurking, and as far as I can tell, the attacks on you were as a direct result of you flying off the handle and being generally childish and jerkish in response to reasonable comments and questions. Nothing to do with alleged “radical ideas”.

Montezuma – if this doesn’t stop, you will be banned. This will escalate, the mods will come in, and that will be the end.

Okay, new posters have a tough road at the start – I felt even more alone than my geographical position in relation to everyone else on this board, in the beginning. And yes, I’ve seen some torn to shreds. But, in the main, its because they’ve come over as jerks who don’t give a damn for anyone but themselves.

Just let this go. Cool off for a while. Come back fresh.

If I see that ‘BANNED’ tag under your name when I wake up in the morning – well, hell. At least I tried, mate. You had one person seeing something more in you than a bovver boy – and that will have been me.

You want us to come over to your house and beat the shit out of you? “Behind their back,” indeed. Have you no clue whatsoever as to what you are typing?

For someone who bitched at Biggirl for accidentally typing “you” instead of “your,” funny how you type “opnions” and “confronted at them”…

I don’t know if you realize this at all, but you are obviously posting simply to get reactions from other people, rather than actually contributing to a message board.

Do you know what that’s called? I do. And if you bother to read the FAQ about this place, it’s against the rules.

What are y’all talking about?

Methinks one reason newbies have trouble here is they are used to a more free-wheeling style of posting from other boards.

From Montezuma’s reactionary gnashing of his teeth (coupled with the afforementioned piss-poor spelling and grammar) I’d say this is yet again the case.

I see no rerason for him to leave, but he should really begin to take care if he wishes to stay.

Um, dude, I’m a ‘little’ poster here, and I haven’t had any issues. I managed to have a civilized discussion about SUV’s without getting prickish about it, and I’m the one drving the SUV. Don’t give me that ‘just starting out’ bull. I’ve been talking for 25 years, just because I have a low post count doesn’t mean much. Dopers know that, and take that into account when dealing with newbies.
Newbie assholes are a whole other monkey.
And what the fuck is a chinese whisper? Is that like jewspeak or some other dumbass stereotype attribute connected to ‘race’?

Try this thread. It’s … interesting.

Chinese whispers are muttered stories that get passed around, losing something in translation each time they’re passed on, until the person at the end of the chain is hearing something completely different to what was originally said.

Thanks, Crusoe.

It still feels wrong, though.

No problem. It’s a fairly common phrase - like ‘Chinese walls’, I suppose.

Ack! Mine eyes! I am blinded! :eek:

Just as a point of interest, the American phrase would probably be something like “childhood game of telephone”. Same idea, a big circle where a phrase gets whispered around and you see what comes out on the other side. My guess is the name comes from old telephone systems with bad reception, and spreading of gossip via the phone.

To Montezuma, this is the closest thing to face-to-face that you’re going to get. Whispering behind your back would be having some special super-secret clubhouse where only the big posters went to laugh about everyone else. I suggest you re-read the rules of this board (check About This Message Board) and spend some time “lurking” here - only reading, not posting - to get a feel for the place.

I wonder what our hero thought was going to happen by fleeing to a new thread and posting a nonsense whine?

I did like how he tried to turn himself into a victim-- nice try. :rolleyes:

But … but nobody likes me most. :frowning:


Montezuma, I have no idea what you’re talking about. What, exactly, was done behind your back? A thread was started in Cafe Society. You came in and immediately started acting like an ass. Since people cannot flame you in that forum, Biggirl started a thread in the Pit with a link in the originial thread for anyone interested (including yourself, so you can attempt to defend yourself) to join in on.

There wasn’t anything which was done behind your back. Stop whining and let this drop, ok?

I’m quite willing to give little posters a chance, but I want specific proof of their size. I see no reason to give someone a chance for claiming that they were 4’ 9" tall[sup]1[/sup] and weighed 87 lbs.[sup]2[/sup], only to discover, later, that they are actually 5’ 2" tall[sup]3[/sup] and weigh 109 lbs.[sup]4[/sup] (or that they stood 6 ’ 5"[sup]5[/sup] and weighed 350[sup]6[/sup]).

(For the Imperially challenged:
[sup]1[/sup] 1.448 m
[sup]2[/sup] 39.46 kg
[sup]3[/sup] 1.575 m
[sup]4[/sup] 49.44 kg
[sup]5[/sup] 1.956 m
[sup]6[/sup] 158.76 kg)

Montezuma, I hate to tell you this, but you’re being treated no differently from anyone else around here. I stayed out of the Pit thread which Crusoe linked to, but from what I saw in it and in the Cafe Society thread which started it, I was not impressed. In Great Debates, you sounded like a mature, reasonable person. In Cafe Society, by jumping out and, apparently, insulting someone out of the blue, you didn’t.

Also, please don’t use manic depression as an excuse. I’m one of a bunch of people around here who suffer from clinical depression and other ailments. Having an illness does not excuse you from the rules of civilized behaviour. There are any number of people on this board with problems who somehow manage not to insult others. To excuse you on the grounds of mental illness would be every bit as enabling as bringing an alcoholic a bottle of whiskey.

If you give them a chance, you’ll find some of the finest, most supportive, most competant people in the world on this board. If you behave like a twit, you’ll find them some of the most brutal. The choice is yours.


You really don’t seem to get this, Montezuma, so I’m gonna try to explain it as clearly as I can, although I don’t have much hope that it’ll help.

  1. Starting a Pit thread is not “behind your back.” Not only is it right here on the board for all to see, Biggirl was courteous enough to provide a link in the Cafe Society thread to be sure you’d notice and have a chance to come defend yourself.

  2. No one is mocking you because you have “radical ideas.” We are mocking you because you are a psycho who has been astonishingly rude to other people.

If you want to end this quickly, you can do it. Just say, “Dear SDMB members, I realize that I’ve acted like an ass. I sincerely apologize to those whom I’ve insulted, especially nani and Biggirl, and I hope they will forgive me. I will try not to be so rude and immature in the future.” People will accept that. Being able to humble yourself enough to make a public apology is seen as a mark of class and maturity.

If you won’t make a sincere apology, though, expect the mockery to continue. It’s that simple.


“Need”? What is this “need”? Who cares what you need? You act like a jerk in a thread, a couple of people (me included) point out that you’re being a jerk (“snarky” was the word I used, I believe), and so you’re a bigger jerk. At that point, no one could further take issue with your behavior without (a) hijacking a thread that actually was about a subject other than your general boorishness and (b) posting in the wrong forum, since criticisms of fellow-posters are properly posted in the Pit, not in MPSIMS. Therefore BIGGIRL was correct to take you to task in the Pit. The fact that she felt she needed to take you to task may be regrettable, but then you invited it by being a jerk in the first place, and by refusing to stop being a jerk when it was pointed out to you (by more than one person) that this was what you were doing. As far as need is concerned, I didn’t need you to snarl at me. Nor did KARL. Or BIGGIRL. Or FENRIS.

What the hell are you talking about? Everything on this Board is posted right out there in public, for all the world to see. There is no way to “whisper” here, unless you believe there’s some frantic e-mailing going on about you. And if you do believe that – Paranoid much? I doubt anyone here cares that much about you; certainly I don’t. As far as “Chinese whispers” are concerned – If you don’t understand any part of my posts, let me know and I’ll explain them to you. I can also try to make them more direct, though it’s hard to make them more direct than this: Quit acting like an asshole, and people will stop treating you like one. It’s as simple as that.

You were not merely “silly.” You were not merely “inappropriate.” You were RUDE and you came off looking STUPID. You did not understand the OP’er’s name in the original MPSIMS thread, and for whatever reason you decided to be snarky about it. When it was pointed out that the error was yours, rather than offer a quick “so sorry!” and move on, you were rude to the people pointing out your mistake. When taken to task for that, rather than backing down, you were rude and snarky again – and, indeed, have continued to be.

There’s only be two examples lately – KING NIFTY, are you listening? – but I’m finding two to be too many: I am getting tired of people who misbehave and who then complain when people take them to task for their misbehavior. “Boo hoo, you established posters are so mean to lil’ ol’ newbie me.” Horseshit. You’ve acted like an ass and you can either apologize and move on, or shut up and move on. But as long as you continue to loudly shove your head up your ass, you can expect people to point out that your head is, in fact, up your ass. That has nothing to do with being new and everything to do with being tiresome. There are bunches of newbies who haven’t drawn the attack you have. Why? Because they’re not being jerks.

It’s simple cause and effect, and it sure ain’t rocket science. Jeez, what part of this is escaping you?