Glad I got that Sh*t out of my system, Mod censors 3rd Qtr SDMB Poker Thread Title, @PokerStars

Titled should have included “Didn’t think I was that F*cked” But we got modded. (screw the mouseover)

For those in the know, this is the thread for our third quarter.

For those not in the know, there is a group of us from the SDMB that play poker online every Thursday night at 10 Eastern/9 Central. Here is the thread from last quarter.

We will continue to play on PokerStars using the “Home Game” club that was announced here. The games are still free.

If you would like to join us, then follow the steps below:

  1. Go to and download the software.
  2. Send a PM to MentalGuy to have him send you the invitation code (it is no longer cecilville).
  3. After installing the software, find the Home Games tab.
  4. Click on “Join a Poker Club”
  5. Enter 42585 as the number of the club to find.
  6. Enter the invitation code sent to you by MentalGuy.
  7. Wait for MentalGuy to approve you. (I will do it as soon as possible.)

This should make you a member of “MentalGuy’s poker club.” Once you are there, you should have no problem finding the tournaments.

The Thursday night game is our “official” game that Oslo Ostragoth keeps the standing for each quarter, but we often have additional games. Oslo often schedules a pot-limt hold’em/omaha event on Saturday nights and several players like to play an occasional Badugi tournament. If there is a game you would like scheduled or a certain time you would like to play, just let us know and we should be able to accomodate you.

A couple of things we would like you to do if you join us. One is to add your name to this spreadsheet.
We also usually have chat going on AIM while we play (there is a chat window at the table, but AIM allows a bit more freedom and does not get interrupted with hand descriptions).

We hope to see some new players, so come join us.

I want to give this a chance (now that certain legal issues have arisen regarding my normal gaming), but I need an activation code. I’m a bit late in PMing MentalGuy, so I understand if I can’t get in, but I need the activation code. No worries if I can’t make it tonight, but I thought it might be fun.

Hamlet check your PM’s from MentalGuy.

Tonights Results:

  1. Mentalguy
  2. Meeko
  3. ghosty
  4. Yeti
  5. Missy
  6. OslO
  7. CraneOp
  8. NFM


Some housekeeping issues, I got admonished that I didn’t attach a link to the spreadsheet. If you want to join the group, we would like to have some key info. Like Doper name, Pokerstars name, your birthday, your mothers maiden name, your pin numbers, and your social security number. KIDDING.

Seriously, your doper name and pokerstars alias, and your AIM handle is important so you can get on the radar.

I did. I sat in the lobby with an “applied” status and couldn’t get in. Maybe next time. Congrats on your win.

Thanks Hamlet, look forward to having a neighbor, in the game. I actually saw you key information into the Spreadsheet. I live about 150 miles South of you.

Have you done any of the brick and mortar around here? Since the crackdown, I’ve been itching to play, but the games seem so slow live.

I head South (Tunica) for my gambling fixes. I have not gambled in St Louis in a long time but I have been to Riverport and Ameristar.

Sh*t! Completely forgot about tonight.

That’s Ok. I was there, and I wish I could forget about it.

Didn’t think you were that F*cked…

Oh, yeah…that was me who did it.

From reading sites like 2+2, this is a common complaint of former internet players having to get their fix at a B&M casino. Then they bitch about how much tighter the games have gotten since Black Friday…which for some reason is really funny to me. Cause and effect FTW.

I’m interested to see whether Hamlet knows as much about NLHE as he seemed to about fantasy football when he handed me my head in the SDMB Big League last year.

Anybody have a link to that hilarious NSFW video where some guy suffers bad beat after bad beat?


I don’t have that link, nor know anything about it.

Further, why would I want to relive repressed memories?

Further, Further, You guys keep commenting me into things that woosh left right and center. I have no clue why my name is brought up here, or in the previous quarter’s thread about nickels.

I’ve got an itch for brick and mortar. Except, my “”"“game”""" as such would be the slots.

Then again, I live in GA, and the closest casino to me was in Shorter AL. It has it’s own kettle of fish with local politics, midnight raids, etc. etc. North Carolina and Harrah’s Cherokee is only 30 minutes further. It has it’s kettle of fish as well legally, You can have real chips, and a real “dealer”, but there is not a physical card to be found on the gaming floor. Doesn’t stop them from “dealing” blackjack, baccaratio*, and some form of Hold Em that I have yet to see in action**.

  • A variant of baccarat, no doubt used for legal reasons and a higher Vigorish [Rake].

** It will probably be a “I wish I can unsee this” moment for me. But then again, perhaps I could actually win that game, against the grandmas with walkers.

I won’t be able to make next week’s game.

I’m out for tonight (it’s a Harry Potter thing)

Meeko, the nickel reference was in reference to one of your comment about you brother putting out a dime and nickel and giving you choice. And you always chose the nickel.

Me too. Am taking the 12-year old to the midnight showing.