
It is exactly what it sounds like. A website that borrows heavily from YouTube but with a Christian theme. Most of it seems pretty harmless, but there are some anti-evolution stuff that’s heavily biased (surprise surprise) but otherwise a clean, easy to navigate website. I do wonder though if they have permission to use that interface which bares a striking resemblance to YouTube’s.
Care to comment?

Yeah, but do they have the Farting Preacher?

To see God is to know madness, right?

So why would I got to a site knowing the content would make me insane?

Good Lord! I just Googled that. Man, I like to think I am sophisticated, but I was laughing so hard I cried!

There are websites everywhere with collections of videos from YouTube. My roommate had been obsessed with some stupidass site that was basically a page of links to music videos on YouTube, until I showed him how to look up whatever video he wants to see on YouTube itself.

Therein lies the threat to one’s sense of decorum. While such lowbrow subject matter should be the object of a stern frown at the very least, the perfect facial expressions combined with the impeccable timing, tonality and duration of the dubbed flatus just lays waste to any sense of self control you may once thought you had.

But let’s face it. Robert Tilton was just asking for it. Why else would his sudden Godly epiphanies be accompanied by a look of profound constipation?

You’re thinking of Cthulhu