So when I reliazed I can’t post into the market place I figured this was the next best place to post this. I have about 150 invites to Google+ that I haven’t used yet and was wonerind if anyone wanted one and such. No cost or anything just figured I would try and use them up if anyone wanted. Also for those useing google+ how are you liking it so far?
We had a pretty large multipage thread here about sharing our invites. It has since died so I’m assuming everyone that visits this place that wanted an invite has gotten one.
That said, I too have 150 invites burning a hole in my acct.
Dadgummit chaosshifter, I also have 150 invites.
I was hoping to parcel them out at …oh… say 50 cents each. That would net me about $75USD (minus taxes of course…hehe).
Now you’ve gone and undercut my business plan by offering G+ invites FOR FREE!
Drat. Time for Plan B.
I would like one! May I PM either one of you with my email address?
I’d like one too. I’m curious about how it compares to Facebook.
Both of you Troppus and Prox can send me a private message with your e-mail and I’ll have an invite out to you post haste.
EDIT: Okay, Prox you’ll have to either post your e-mail address here in this thread for me to send out an invite to you or you’ll have to turn on private messaging.
I’d appreciate an invite as well.
well if people want then feel free to just send me a pm then or post here and im sure someone will send you one
for people who want to get one
Got my invite, thanks much!
should the SDMB stash of invites run low, I’ve also got some…
I would love one! If someone could send me one, I’d really appreciate it! My email is in my profile. Thanks.
done, check your email…
I hope your back feels better, too.
If the other link runs out of invites, here are 150 more.
So I signed up, but I can’t do anything because whenever I go to the front page it locks my computer up. Anyone else have this problem? I have Windows 7, by the way.
Oh, I didn’t even realize that my PMs were turned off. I turned it on, but you don’t have to send me an invite - I just used chaosshifter’s link.
Somehow, I didn’t think you still needed an invitation to get a gmail account.
This isn’t for gmail, it’s for google+, a facebook replacement.
:Emily Litella: nevermind :Emila Litella: