GOP Delegates AFTER 3/15

Would this new party pull fiscal conservatism out of a hat, or would we still keep defining fiscal conservative as tax cuts above all else?

Is it the nativist/protectionist wing that’s forcing them to act in a way that’s not fiscally conservative? If not, why would the new splinter party act in that manner?

Or do you just mean they’ll say that they’re the party of fiscal responsibility over and over again, and people will inexplicably believe it?

Honestly, I think “fiscal responsibility” means:

“You get to keep your benefits, but that (black) bitch at the DMV loses hers.”

To a not-insignificant (but not a majority and a hopefully rapidly decreasing plurality) portion of the American electorate.

(underline added)

What an incredibly racist thing for you to say. :eek:

Those are YOUR words, right?

Too late. Did you see all those food-fight-level debates? Do you remember last fall, when for weeks on end, nobody of consequence wanted to be House Speaker?

Squeeze the wheeze. :slight_smile: