Guinness, WTF were you thinking?

I am a fan of Guinness beer. I like it and I drink it on tap, in can, and in bottle.

Even though I prefer it in the can or on tap, I do think that the bottle is convenient, even though it is only a small 11.2 fl oz. When I heard that it came out in bottles, after seeing the satellite commercial, I searched all of the stores just to give it a try. At the time, it only came in 6 packs, but of late, Guinness has been offering 12 packs of bottles, and I thank you, except for one thing: YOU FOREGOT THE FUCKING HANDLE HOLES ON THE BOX!!!

I don’t know how you treat your packaging designers, but I would treat them to a baseball, oh sorry, a cricket bat if I were you. How could you forget the handles??? Do you know how hard it makes it to carry multiple packs of the stuff??? I feel like a monkey being tested for creativity every time I have to move more than one pack. Thank you for bringing out the idiot in me.

Hurley. You mean a hurley, not a cricket bat. They don’t play much cricket on t’other side of the Irish Sea.

I just carry them under my arm.

Should be a shellaleigh, surely?

Christ Almighty. Guinness in a bottle or a can? Bugger the handles, man. Where’s the TAP?

  • PW

In the pub of course.

The bottles are nasty and watery. If you can’t get the tap, go with the cans.

And don’t even talk about the nasty, non-nitrogen bottles. Ick.

This was pretty funny. Are you learning anything or do we need to shock you now? :wink:

BTW I can only drink Guinness on tap, in Ireland.

No handles on the box?



Dammit, Jadis I was gonna say that.

I’m glad someone appreciates my humor!

I’m afraid you’ve failed the “how desperate are you to drink Guinness” test. The true Guinness lover would find a way to carry more than one box. It’s a Zen thing.

As for the cans, they’ve just released new nitro widget cans here in Ireland, which the afficionado yojimbo assures me are as good as the best draft pint in Dublin.

the old fashioned pint bottles?

Ahh, the last bastion of the real old-school guinness drinker.

Possibly. I’m thinking of the Guinness Extra Stout in a bottle. Nasty stuff.

Oh man. I still love the Extra Stout in the original bottle. Not a huge fan of the new bottles with the widget. Like someone else said, it is a bit watery. The Extra Stout is an acquired taste, though. I’ll concede that.

My husband sells Guiness and the new twelve packs have a hand hold on the top, but he says it’s really lame and doesn’t work very well. He broke two twelve-packs today while building a display.

Seems to me that hand holds on the top are inconvenient if you are buying mutiple packs.

I think that MrTuffPaws is referring to the handles sometimes found on boxes that are used to carry heavy things, such as computer monitors and CPUs. Those handles consist of two perforated rounded triangles on the side, so you can push them in, and you have a handle on each side.

I have also seen boxes of wine that have essentially the same thing, only the flaps are both on the top, making one cardboard handle.
A constructed handhold that juts out seems like a bad idea, as it would interfere with stacking, and might be knocked off.

Well while the new cans aren’t as good as a pint from pubs like Mulligans and The Long Hall they are as tasty as normal pub quality pints.

They also come in a nice handy Fridge Pack of 8 cans with a great handle on the box and a nicely designed flap which means you can just put the whole thing in the fridge and take the cans out one by one easily.

I spent a few hours and a lot of cash in Mulligans (on Poolbeg Street) last night. What a great pint. I think I may go for a lunch time tipple… MMmm. Tipple.

Best pint in Dublin, IMO.

I had the second-best I’ve ever had last night: in the Cobblestones.

[Hey Achilles, if you haven’t already, you should check out the NADS board - SDMB offshoot for Brits and Irish.]

Sure will. Thx. BTW where is the Cobblestones ?