Guys, what have you or your SO named your penis? And gals, your breasts have a name?

Since I couldn’t fit it in the title. TMI, obviously, as if you couldn’t tell from the topic name.

My girlfriend used to delight in calling my penis “Choo Choo Train”.

Go figure.
I’m sure there’s many confessions from others though. Do tell.

Mr. Winkie! or just plain Willy or Weenie.

My boobs do not have names. Mainly because Mr. Indigo is much more mature than I am, and never bothered giving them any.

Nope. Never even thought of naming 'em.


I think a good name for a penis would be Rammstein.

A friend of mine from work named his Rodzilla. His friend named his own Zeus.

Nah, mine are just “Boobies”.

One of my friends named hers Helga and Olga.

Friend of mine named hers: Scylla and Charybdis

I call my girls, well, the girls. Or Lefty and Righty.

If I were to name it, it would be mjolnir.

If I were, they’d be called “Tit” and “Tat”.

My wang isn’t a “he”, it’s a tool.

Like a sawzall or a jackhammer, or sometimes for finesse jobs, more like a dremel with a buffer attachment. It gets the job done.

Car Ramrod?
No, just kidding. I’ve never named my junk. One of my friends, however, has his unit christened “Oscar” by another guy.

Don’t ask.

(Carl/) Do you mean Goliath? We have to order special elastic pants for him off of the internet. (Carl/)

Tiny tots.

[I’m female] :smiley:


Only because I hope a lot of women go down on it.

:eek: hehehehehe :slight_smile:

My penis doesn’t have a name, but my testicles are called “Small”, “Medium” and “Large”.

My wife refers to my penis as “her Friend” or “her Best Friend.”

Years ago, mine was christened “Bobo”. And no, not by me.

About two years ago, some friends were all gathered, and my friend’s wife made mention of a certain “Pedro” she wanted to get home and see. My head jerked up from my drink and I said “Pedro?’s got a name? And it’s Pedro??”

Poor Cal looked at his wife and moaned “Sandie, when are you going to learn not to talk in front of these people, they never forget things like that…?”

So, at last year’s golf outing when I emceed, I introduced Cal and his wife to 100 people and said it was a shame Pedro wasn’t here. 5 people in the room got the joke, which was enough for me.

And at an outdoor concert where we all gathered for Cal’s birthday this summer, four of us guys went backstage to change and came out wearing “Vote for Pedro” t-shirts. Then gave Cal his and made him change.

Maybe she was suggesting that game you use to get toddlers to open their mouths.

“Open up the tunnel. Here comes the choo-choo!”
Just a thought.

Or maybe she just liked the end of North by Northwest.