Happy Canada Day / Fête du Canada, my fellow Canucks! what are your plans for the day?

146 years! and going strong!

Not sure yet what we’ll be doing. We’re having some friends over for a barbeque in the evening, and then walking over to the Albert Street Bridge to watch fireworks. Lots of stuff in Wascana Park, and there’s always the Lieutenant Governor’s Garden Party at Government House.

Or, we might just relax at home. So many choices.

Port Credit has annual party Paint the Town Red that ends with fireworks at 10PM over Credit River :slight_smile:

This video snapshot is from 2011.

I know I’m not a Canadian, but Happy Canada Day to yous guys!

Happy Canada Day, neighbours!

I’ll be listening to your explosives throughout the day, and I know you’ll stay for ours on the 4th. Please leave us some milk! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m playing percussion in a concert. Should be fun.

We’re taking our foster daughter to the festivities downtown. Because of the floods they’ve moved it from it’s regular location, but I think the atmosphere will be amazing anyway, as it has been over the last 10 days in this city.

I’m working.

The rest of the family has gone to my in-laws; I’m spending as much of this time as I can to edit the recordings I made in May into an album. ‘Producing’ or ‘Preparing notes for the editor’ might be a better way to describe it - it involves listening to every track we recorded of a particular song, making notes about bum notes, clams, clangs, buzzes, external noises, musicality, then deciding which take is the best one for each passage of music, and figuring out how/if the sound engineer can edit the good takes together.

It’s hard to believe, but I’ve actually found a task which is less enjoyable than doing my taxes.

And now, to get back at it before they get home…

I’m not Canadian but some colleagues that are have invited us over tonight for some festivities. I was told there would be beer from Alberta that was smuggled in. Canada has only a Diplomatic mission here so fireworks are probably out of the question, which is just as well since it is Cacimbo ( the dry season ) and we would not want any fires.

Hmm, I don’t think I’ve ever tried beer from Alberta.

Maybe that’s what I should do tonight after the concert - drink a beer from each province. :slight_smile:

That’s the spirit!

Alberta’s Big Rock Brewing Company makes some very nice beers - you could do worse.

Happy Canada Day, everyone! We are currently mowing the yard - after that, who knows?

Heading out for some golf, and I’m running late!

I recommend Blueberry Ale from the Pumphouse Brewery as your New Brunswick entry. A pleasant way to enjoy a warm afternoon.

Well, plans changed a bit - Mrs Piper and Piper Cub both slept in, so I too am working - taking what I hope is the penultimate cut at a brief that is 90+ pages long, and needs to be filed this week. However, unlike the poor Le Ministre, it’s a task I enjoy - I like tinkering with words, fidgetting with the formating and the organization - always thinking, “how best to convince the judge?” Brief-writing is one of the parts of the job that I really like; I am indeed a law-nerd. :stuck_out_tongue:

AND the first gun of the 21 gun salute at the Legislature just went off!

I’m trying to put together The Great SDMB Canada Day Play-list! - all suggestions welcome!

I just got back from Canada Day International celebrations at Trafalgar Square in London where I saw Jann Arden, The Sheepdogs and The Tragically Hip perform. It was a nice evening, the place was packed and even tho they only played 45 minute sets, it was still a nice reminder from home. Then we went for Mexican food for dinner.
…and it’s my birthday too.

Happy Birthday, kbear!

In my youth, I would go to Parliament Hill and get crunk and watch fireworks.

Now that I’ve got a toddler, we hit the splash pad, went to a friend’s place for a mellow family BBQ, and finished with a quick trip to the park.

Opposite ends of the spectrum, but equally enjoyable.

The little guy is all Canada-Dayed out. Next year, he’ll be old enough for FIREWORKS!

I’m debating taking my bike out to see the fireworks in an hour…

My golf buddies were a little late too, so no problem there. But teeing off just a few minutes after arriving, without time to warm up, my first few holes were terrible! But then I settled into my groove, and had a most enjoyable round of golf.

Happy Birthday, you Canada Baby you! :smiley: